With the matter of handling the fairies settled, the mage-knight calmly followed behind the rest of the group (and away from their miniature guides). It was already settled that their method of assaulting the enemy base (given the current squadron of knights) would be a frontal assault, and given that Tyaethe was probably going to be leading the charge, there wasn't much to worry about in regards to breaking through. The problem instead became protecting everyone else, though. All things considered, it was probably for the best that he would simply act to protect the Captain and the rest of the Knights as they charged in. To that end, though, it was probably better to act independently so as to not be caught up in the crossfire on the off chance that the enemy launched another blast like the one he had deflected away from the captain on the battlefield earlier. "I second that suggestion," Tiral added, nodding his head in assent. "If anything like the attack that was fired at the Captain was directed with any higher amount of force or intensity towards us, I do not believe we could come out with all our bodies... Well, intact." Of course, further elaboration on their method of attack would be ideal, as committing wholly towards an attack on a magician holed up within their base was suicidal without proper measures taken... And, quite admittedly, they didn't have enough of those to hand out to everyone present in the first place. If anything, attacking the base from multiple angles might be ideal, but that necessitated scouting out the enemy encampment first...