Hoekstra smiled broader, and their was a hungry glint in his eye at Valrel's explaination. Spark crystals were as good as stone, and in the small sizes required to put the fire into a rifle they were easy to transport and sell. He gave an understanding and acquiescent nod, hooking his thumbs on the wide black belt that kept his patterned navy overtunic in place. Having his suspicions proven true - that there were alterior motives involved in the transaction ahead - Hoekstra could proceed in a well informed way, maximizing his chance of success and gain. [color=0072bc]"It is always my pleasure to serve the Dusthawks in capacity, Adnos,"[/color] said Hoekstra in a honeyed tone. [color=0072bc]"I'll surely be able to facilitate the less bloody side of things."[/color] Valrel had nodded in return, then continued the discussion and the dwarf made his way out of the centre of the room. The discussion continued, until the gang leader layed out the details of the commodities exchange, peaking the fence's interest once more. [color=f7941d]“The trade-off is set to occur in two days’ time, late in the evenin’ by Sidhole Cross. All you lot that’d think to lend your sword-arm or are bored enough to take apart a few Tarn-worth of spark rifles, feel free to stay late and I’ll assign you a role."[/color] As the majority of the Dusthawks filed out in staggered singles and pairs, there was a few minutes of quiet socializing amongst the crew. Stone changed hands twice between Hoekstra and yellow coloured 'Hawks, once for services rendered and once for money owed. In time, it seemed as though all who were going to leave had left and Hoekstra approached Valrel and his beancounter, Lotkey. [color=0072bc]"Quite a score you've found us, Valrel,"[/color] began Hoekstra in a less formal way, making a point to pay the elf no mind. [color=0072bc]"Well done, that. I reckon you'll need two houses - one to disassemble the rifles and as a fallback, and another to lay in wait for those gutter rat Thorns. I reckon I've got a bead on a place near enough to Sidhole Cross that would suit with a few kind words. You have a location in mind as a sorting house, or shall I use my wiles to secure that as well? It should be easy enough sorting a meet with a Resistance contact soon enough after we get the goods to pass on the dead wood. That said, you have an idea on what to do with the crystals once you've got them?"[/color]