[@PaulHaynek][@Silver Carrot][@Restalaan] [color=00a651][b]Maria Falena [/b][/color]/ [color=a36209][i]Lily Falena[/i][/color] Maria was still wiping the tears form her eyes looking over at Yang, "I can help you..and i will need help cleaning the blood and other blemish on her" She said looking at the woman. "Umm i am sure we can find trees that will sacrifice themselves to make a coffin to let her rest..." She added walking over towards the woman kneeling beside her. Looking around towards the trees around them starting to speak in her language, Talking to the trees and discuss if she and Yang could remove them form their roots to make the old woman her coffin. Nodding her head and turning her head to speak with Yang, "They said we can cut them down to make the coffin...although do you know how to make one?" She asked Yang. "I wonder as well if their a river around...or a mortician that may help us" She said mostly to herself. --------------------- Lily meanwhile was flying away when the nun caught up to speak with her, Stopping and landing on the ground thinking about her question. "Well usually i would dismiss this whole situation, However the further information we are given i am trying to piece together what is going on. I would like to solve the clues but i do not have a lead, All of our leads are dead or insane" She said running her small hand though her hair. "I would like to solve this mystery to get one over my "Precious" sister but i don't know where to start" She said seeming like she didn't care about the old woman but boosting her ego.