The knight had been fast asleep. Very little could wake her but as soon as she felt movement, she began to wake. Her first thought was that it was time to get moving to continue their journey, however, as she opened her eyes, she quickly became aware that that wasn’t the case. She blinked as her green gaze focused on a wide eyed Crow. Her heart leapt as she realized his arms were wrapped around her. The night before came flooding back like a rapid river. While she quickly blamed herself for their current situation, part of the knight wondered why the thief was holding her and how long he had been holding her. Her face flushed a bright red at the thought. [i]I don’t know what happened but surely it’s not that he feels the same.[/i] She assured herself. Penelope suddenly realized she still hadn’t moved from his arms and had just frozen. “Ah! Sorry..” The knight spoke fast, clearly embarrassed as she slid out of his grip. She shuffled a couple paces away and avoided his gaze as she eyed the sky to figure out what time it was. It seemed to be early morning and she wondered if they had been like that all night. [i]So much for going back to the inn.[/i] She thought wanting to hit herself for being foolish the night before. However, the thought of the inn soon reminded her of another issue at hand. [i]Hartley![/i] Her eyes widened in alarm. “Oh gods, we need to head back to the inn... If Hartley’s awake he’s probably freaking out.” Penelope said as she rose to her feet. She was quick to ignore the situation and focus on something else of concern as she hoped to act like nothing happened.