[center][h1][color=steelblue]Astral Gleam[/color][/h1] [@Rune_Alchemist][/center] [hr] The sound of a... voice of some kind stopped the Unicorn from advancing any further. Of course, if it was a vessel then that naturally meant it had passengers. Why didn't that occur to him before now? Maybe his eagerness got the better of him? Either way, Astral Gleam looked up at the... creature that produced the voice. Unfortunately, Astral didn't understand a word of it. Visitors from another world, after all, so a language barrier was only natural. But how to get around that? Some kind of communication needed to be established otherwise the contact could lead to some form of violence. The Unicorn's eyes brightened up as an idea came to mind. Suddenly a peculiar book floated out of the Pony's pack and its pages seemed to turn themselves in front of his face. The book itself was adorned with gilded edges and had arcane symbols inscribed on the cover. Most Ponies wouldn't recognize it unless they regularly studied magical runes. Then, with a bit of caution Astral looked directly at the visitor in the hopes of making direct eye contact. It was only then that he noticed that the creature was bipedal and... didn't appear to have a mouth, or at least one that was visible in this darkness due to dark colored skin. A flash came from the Unicorn's horn, it glowing with an arcane light that matched the sky blue color of the nebula image visible on his flank. And then, images appeared directly over the Unicorn's head. They were were a short series of pictures, depicting the Unicorn himself and the visitor addressing him. In the first... panel - for lack of a better word - the two were staring at each other and had speech bubbles as if they were conversing. However, there was a red crossmark overlaying it, symbolizing their inability to understand each other. In the second panel, the Unicorn was depicted casting another spell. In the third, an arcane circle appeared under the Pony's and visitor's feet, once again they possessed speech bubbles. But unlike the first panel, in this one there was a green check mark overlaying the image, hopefully symbolizing their newfound ability to communicate. Astral had to hope the simple message conveyed by his projection spell was understood, because in the next moment he cast a new spell from his spell book that summoned the very arcane circle at his feet. If the message got through, the visitor would enter the circle. "Ahem..." Astral cleared his throat, "...this circle is an Arcane Language Field. Anyone who stands within its radius should be able to transcend language and understand one another. Do you... understand me now?"