[quote=@Inkarnate] I did mention I was making a steppe-influenced character before you guys settled on expanding your lore, which I did state beforehand in request that the lore you expand on not contradict what I was building. This is the exact opposite of that request. I’m not sure if I’m all that pleased about this. Especially since my character definitely does not fit structurally or thematically with Mennon given the whole centerpiece of the character’s concept is not someone who lives in a “feudal system” where a “monarch sits at the head”. My character was derived from Turkic and Hunnic tribes and tribal culture. I did not read the updates since I was busy all Saturday and I am just now getting home to reply to this information. [/quote] Hmm. Perhaps just say your tribe is from southern Mennon, since you aesthetically fit the part already, it can just be a nomadic tribe that borders on the fringe of Mennon lands.