[@KatherinWinter][@LightningMaiden][@Blueflame] [color=0087BD]"I need to correct you, Director, Mason is not possessed. He is, himself, the demon. A corrupted human soul, how he got this way no one can say for sure. He may have sold his soul, or it may have been stolen and tainted. In fact, he seems to be experiencing some form of dissociative identity disorder; his demonic powers are manifesting as an alternate personality. Mason himself, I believe, is perfectly harmless."[/color] Rost explained, setting the hard case down and opening it to reveal a quill pen and several bottles of ink. [color=0087BD]"Agent Amaya, correct?"[/color] the blonde man asked, turning and looking up towards the water elemental, [color=0087BD]"Just in time, I could use your assistance. Would you be so kind as to keep Mason calm while I place a spell on him to keep his powers from manifesting of their own accord again?"[/color] The scientist returned his attention to Mason, [color=0087BD]"I need to put the spell on you, for your safety as much as for ours. If it will make you feel better, Amaya can stay with you through the process of the spell being applied."[/color]