[@Nallore] Also please switch her position to Crown Princess [b][color=cyan]General Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Cooking - The ability to prepare a dish without poisoning oneself or others [*] Foreign Customs - the ability to adapt to the mannerisms of cultures and customs of other lands without causing offense. [*] Persuasion - The ability to convince someone of something, whether it is true or false. [*] Etiquette - The ability to act accordingly during formal settings, such as proper ways to eat, and how to act during an important event with others. [/list] [b][color=cyan]Cultural Skills:[/color][/b][list] [*]City Knowledge (the Castle) - The knowledge of where to find various shops and other locations in the Castle without great trouble. [*][b]Olde English[/b] - The ability to understand texts written in [b]Olde English[/b] and to communicate their meanings effectively in the current tongue of the Castle, [b]Myde English[/b]. [*]Castle Legends - The knowledge of the (mostly) oral legends and tales of the Castle, including the near drowning of Princess Esmerelda, the haunting of Snake Slipway, and much more. [/list] [b][color=cyan]Occupational Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Bluff - The ability to erroneously persuade another person that you can perform a given task or that a given event will happen. [*] Diplomacy - The ability to come to a mutually agreeable outcome without bloodshed through use of skill and tact. [*] Castle History - The knowledge of the rich history of the Castle, including notable ExtraOrdinary Wizards and Queens. [*] Riding - The ability to ride a horse at twice the speed of an unskilled rider. This includes trick riding and basic care for the horse. [*] Court Etiquette - The knowledge of how to act in the capacity as a member of the Castle's Royal Family. This includes awareness of political relations and customs. [*] Formal Dancing - The ability to dance with graceful form and composure. This includes the ability to switch roles (a female will know the male's role and vice versa). [*] Administration - The ability to delegate tasks to others in order to ensure that everything runs smoothly.[/list]