Penelope glanced over at Crow as he picked up on her charade. She continued to play along as Crow put his hand on her waist and guided her to the door. She smiled up at him as he sent her a flirtatious wink and let out a soft giggle. Relief swept over the knight as she stepped out of the inn and they were out of the knight’s way. She turned her head as Hartley complained. “Next time? I certainly hope that doesn’t happen again. That was a close enough call...” Penelope said shaking her head. She looked over to Crow. “Well.. I think I saw that the name of this town is Dorberg?” She said looking to Hartley for confirmation. Once the young thief gave a nod of agreement, Penelope went on, “Which means we’re still traveling on the main road today.” “Thanks to that cart yesterday we’ll probably hit Hefn not long after noon.” Hartley said optimistically. Penelope nodded her head and began to walk on towards the main road. Hartley fell instep besides her. “So how early did you guys wake up? I can’t believe you got away with all that!” He said beaming with excitement at the amount of coin Crow had managed to steal. “Before the sun rose.” Penelope answered, glancing towards Crow. She couldn’t imagine how Hartley would react to hearing the truth, even if they left out the details of her falling asleep in his embrace, so she decided it was best to go along with the story Crow had originally told him. “You should have woke me up. We could have had a competition and I could have gotten us even more tael.” Hartley said with a challenging look towards Crow. “Maybe tonight-“ Penelope rolled her eyes at the younger thief and cut him off before he could finish what he was about to say. “Ah yes and then we would have been in even more trouble.” She said and crossed her arms as she gave him a stern look. “It was a one time deal so don’t even think about trying it tonight.” Hartley frowned a little at Penelope’s curt words. “Ok.."