[@Slime][@Silvan Haven] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Shopping[/b] "[color=66cd00]Maybe a pair of jeans for myself and a work dress,[/color]" she replied, running a pale hand through the rack of pants and checking the texture of each. "[color=66cd00]If Venetia's willing to be so fucking magnanimous, I'm not going to say no to her money.[/color]" The usual, flat tone of the Mistralese girl was present, but it was evident that she held no ill-will for her team leader. There was no heat in her words, nor did she seem particularly focused on them as much as she was on the clothing she sought to inspect. Gratia Mindaro only had one goal here, and that was to find something good for herself. [i][color=66cd00]Jumper dress? Something for the winter collection won't freeze me to death.[/color][/i]