[h3][color=8dc73f]Scott[/color][/h3] Scott jumped as Colchain let out a loud hiss. He looked around to see that the lizard had moved to the dead goblins, presumably to eat... and it seemed that a bunch of rats had the same intent. And in the split second it took for him to process this, they attacked. [color=8dc73f]”Colchain!”[/color] he cried. He stood frozen, watching. And then Ash dived into the fray. [color=598527]"Dire Rats! Three of them! Scott, you want to help, now's the time!"[/color] Help. That’s right. He could help. He began to dash towards the small battle, not knowing how much he could do, but he intended to try. He didn’t know how much mana he had left, but mustering whatever he had, he tried to cast a shield spell on first Colchain, then himself, and then Ash.