[b]Alicia Hayden[/b] Having made her decision, Alicia was taken off guard by the hug that followed as Kimble practically latched on to her leg while bawling in gratitude. She didn't think it had been that big of a deal, especially since so much was predicated on her not knowing what kind of person Kimble actually was. It would have been easy enough for this to be a ruse. Yet right now she did not let that worry her as she tried to make up in some small way for what she had done. "It's alright," she replied with a smile, ruffling Kimble's hair with a warm smile. "We're not as bad as our enemies would want you to believe." Her gaze shifted to the Beckoners as they arrived and conversed, leaving her increasingly confused. It sounded like there was some sort of ongoing debate, and she was being used as an example in that debate. A humbling experience to be sure, but without knowing what they were talking about she couldn't be certain of her impact. She shook her head as the Beckoners disappeared afterwards, leaving the magical girls alone once again. She nodded while flashing a grin towards Sylvia at her comment. "Thanks, I appreciate that," she replied with a chuckle. Not that she had been worried about it happening. She'd accepted her consequences, one way or another before the Beckoners had made their reappearance. It was about time to move on though, and Kimble wasn't really in the position to do that considering the extent of her injuries and the limited care that Alicia had been able to provide. Before anything could be resolved regarding that, she caught sight of someone near the front door. A poor figure, emaciated, pale, and in a sorry state. "Yeah, that's us," she replied, preparing for a fight if need be. Who knew how many others Justine had brainwashed? Though if this was someone coming to fight them, they didn't look like much. She waited patiently for the explanation, one that set her teeth grinding in a flash of heated rage. Mariette? Their 'savior'? What kind of bullshit was this? She didn't know what was going on but it was clear that the portal user was manipulating these girls that she had abducted into doing her dirty work. Extending out her hand, palm facing the girl, Alicia concentrated and released a blinding flash of light aimed directly at her, like what she had done to Doris before to try and break the conditioning. "Mariette is no 'savior'," she replied, practically spitting out the name in anger. "I don't know what she told you, but she's only here because Justine betrayed her before she could betray Justine." She would have said more, but it was at that point that the Beckoner reappeared, Alicia's blood freezing cold as they were told that June had been attacked. They couldn't leave a rookie to fend for herself, they needed to help her! First she went about prying Kimble off her leg, laying her down on the ground so she could rest and not put further stress on her injuries. "You stay here. We'll be back," she told the catgirl before practically seizing the messenger by the shoulders. "You know the castle right? Where's the library? We need to get there, now." She'd stay as long as was needed to get directions before heading into the castle, a process shortened if the prisoner didn't actually know. She was not going to waste time when June was in danger, breaking into a run to try and get there as quickly as possible. She just hoped that they weren't too late.