[@Hokum] (And [@CmdrAlfieq]? I dunno if I need to mention you, so I will just to be safe) [b]As Ernest[/b] "Impressive. You seem to have a complete understanding of my operating system." Ernest said to to Fanny May. "And no, I have not heard of this game 'Cat and Mouse', as I know neither of what those are. Do I need to?" After he says that, the repair pod in a much quieter and more distorted voice (do to have smaller, lower-quality speakers): "Yes and no. You see, miss May, this Repair Pod is, for all intents and purposes, part of Ernest. Kinda like blood cells in humans.... they don't all have individual names, but they are basically part of that human. If that metaphor makes sense." As far as Ernest knows, Fanny May is a human. Afterwards, that repair pod walks back through the door in came from. The terminal reads: [quote] 1 INSTANCE(S) OF BEER SUCCESSFULLY DELIVERED TO USER "FANNY MAY". TELEPORT SUCCESSFUL. LOCATION: UNKNOWN. WARNING! ERNEST IS DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO THREATENING INSTANCE "HANYS RIBBON". SUCCESSFULLY TRANSMITTED FANNY MAY'S MESSAGE TO UNKNOWN INSTANCE "MASGC". STORAGE ROOM DIAGNOSTICS SUCCESSFUL. NO PROBLEMS DETECTED. [/quote] [i]I'd beg to differ[/i] Ernest thought to himself. [hr] [@Hokum] (I should have something for you to decide this time... maybe?) [b]As Ramrod & Rodia (mostly Rodia TBH)[/b] Ramrod and and Lars get to work studying the nearby area, seeing if there is any way to get a lot of metal quickly. They'll need around 1 to 3 tons of assorted metals, mostly steel (iron will do since they would be able to turn it into steel), copper, and aluminum. They'll also need significant amounts of other metals, most notably gold. The first thing they check are the nearby planets and asteroids, to see if they can establish a mining operation. But their primary goal is to see if they can find someone to trade with, since that will probably result in getting metal faster. Meanwhile, Rorod rushes over to the factory and bursts into the office of the head R-Core there. Rorod like bursting into offices. Before Rorod can say anything, the Factory Head yells "Mr Rorod! It is good that you are here. Ramrod already told me about what happened with the metal shipment! It's awful!" Rorod responds: "Yes, we need to slow down the production as fast as possible! I mean... slow it down as much as possible... as SOON as.... you know what I mean." Factory Head: "Yes, I've already gotten started making a new schedule to try to delay the process, but some of the new cores have already started, but not finished. And even though they don't have personality chips yet, a few have started to activate. It's really not good for an unfinished R-Core to be activated..." Rorod: "That may be bad, but an unfinished R-Core can survive a few days without their chips before they start taking irreversible damage. And their armor isn't as important either, they can go a week before they start taking damage from that. But anyway, first things first, we need to make sure no NEW cores get started until the metal shipment comes in..." Rorod and the Factory Head start working on the new schedule.