[color=thistle]As you know, i just started awhile ago, so I don't think I can just jump right into whatever the lost haven thing is.[/color] [color=thistle]quite frankly I don't really know, or understand what the lost haven arc is, so...[/color] [color=thistle]But i am definitely almost done with E.G's origin arc, like we're in the beginning of the final stretch guys, so please bear with me.[/color] [color=thistle]also, I will be leaving again out of town to go on a cruise with my parents in a few days, and will not be able to write anything from the middle of the gulf of mexico, also I don't have a vpn set for honduras, or any of the countries in south america, so writing from a foreign country is a no go.[/color] [color=thistle]please note however, that I definitely have things planned for E.G, like villains, and a character arc, And i've also been planning to implement music into my posts through hidden links.[/color] [color=thistle]since music plays a central role in their powers, I feel it is necessary to have a hider that holds the song they will use to fight bad guys with![/color] [color=thistle]i'm thinking of calling E.G's power 'Surround Sound' or something like that, and the little hiders will say "Activate Surround Sound" or "Now Playing-BLANK".[/color] [color=thistle]anyway, i'm letting you guys know because on august 12th i will officially be out of the country, and won't return for a week.[/color]