[color=thistle]also, since I am almost done with all of this stuff, does anyone wanna start planning collabs with me? I do have to go back to school though, so I probably won't be as active as I am now, but I will try to set some time aside to have some writing time for myself.[/color] [color=thistle]if I don't get back to you guys after i'm back from my cruise, it's probably because i will have to start writing my ass off for all of my ap classes, and boy AP lit is not an easy class at all, and neither is AP art, but i'm gonna do 'em anyways![/color] [color=thistle]sorry if this is a bit of an inconvience to you all.[/color] [color=thistle]also i just realized that some events that i have written up for Eris in their bio don't exactly happen in the actual story I wrote, but it's nothing entirely major so theres that.[/color] [color=thistle]if you're a stickler for continuity, then I'm afraid the bio won't be any good, origin wise that is, so maybe when I'm finished with this origin arc of theirs I'll revamp the origin section of their bio post to match up more with what actually happened in the subsequent posts.[/color]