[hider=Snek Boi][color=fff79a]"Hey, I'm Riley Marco, but around here they call me the Serpent Prince."[/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fd/0c/4b/fd0c4b243d9c2eb59115ed7c8d1dab0f.jpg[/img] "Nice to meet you Riley, I'm Mr. Smith and I'll be conducting the interview, let's start with you Joined the Circus?" [color=fff79a]"November 21st, 2017. It was my birthday actually."[/color] "Alright, and What's your act?" [color=fff79a]"I'm a Snake Charmer, if you couldn't guess by my... Everything."[/color] "What abilities did you receive from the ringmaster?" [color=fff79a]"Besides being scaly and having a really weird tongue and eyes? I can talk to snakes, sort of. We don't actually talk, but I can understand them, and they can understand me. He also made Nadia a lot stronger and faster, and she won't die of age or sickness or anything like that either, which is awesome." [/color] "What's your compulsion?" [color=fff79a]"I have to smoke a cigarette every time I talk to someone I find attractive, I'm essentially just a serpentine chimney at this point. There's no way the Ringmaster isn't just fucking with me. But since the ringmaster worked on Nadia as well, I've got two compulsions. One of us has to be withing eyesight of the other, we don't have to look at each other constantly, but I can't leave her field of vision, ever."[/color] "Why did you join the Circus?" [color=fff79a]"I was raised in it actually, not this circus, but the circus scene. I've always been a snake charmer too, Mr.Leader just upped my game a bit. I was doing my sideshow act and he saw it, liked it enough to invite me to join his circus. He uh, he promised that as long as I'm with them I'll never have to bury Nadia."[/color] "Alright, well tell me about yourself, your history." [color=fff79a]"Like I said, I was raised in the circus scene but I wasn't one of the Carny kids. I'm a drop-off." [/color] "A drop off?" [color=fff79a]"Yeah, a drop off. It's what we called the kids that got abandoned by their parents at the circus. You'd be surprised how common it is. I guess my teen mom couldn't handle my six month old ass, so when the circus came into town she thought she'd take advantage of the Snake cages for some post-birth abortion work. Obviously she didn't stick around to see how it went, but lucky for me I had a knack for handling the snakes. The Charmers that unofficially adopted me found me snuggling with the meanest Eastern Tiger Snake they had ever tried training, but around me Nadia was as peaceful as a Gardner snake."[/color] "Does it bother you, being abandoned by your mother?" [color=fff79a] "Just because she gave birth to me doesn't mean she's my mother. As far as I'm concerned Nadia is the only mother I've ever had, and she refuses to leave my side, so I'm not caught up on abandonment issues. And before you ask, yes, she does consider me her child as well."[/color] "What else can you tell me about your background?" [color=fff79a]"Plenty, but I'm not in the habit of reading my auto-biography to strangers, so that's all you need to know for now."[/color] "Alright, How do you feel about your peers? Do you have good relationships with any of the other circus members?" (Connections will be added after approval/discussion with other authors.) [i]"January 2nd, 2018. - Kathy Newman I've always been terrified of Snakes, but now, I'm not so sure. Dear Diary; Although I tried, I couldn't convince my parents to let me stay home instead of going to the circus. They think I've been isolating myself lately, and maybe they're right, but either way going to the circus was not my idea of a good time. I was thinking this would be one of those single-tent circuses or something like that, but this place was more like a carnival! Aside from the main tent, there were dozens of different booths and smaller tents with side acts and things like that. Some of it was pretty normal stuff you'd expect to see, jugglers, clowns, contortionists, but this one had a snake charmer, a real snake-charmer! He was really young for how talented he was, probably only 19 or 20, but the way he could dance with his snake was... Unreal. Let's start over, I was kinda wandering around a bit when I saw him standing outside of a makeshift booth made up of dozens of snake cages, and each one had nearly half a dozen snakes! He wasn't doing much, aside from letting people take pictures with him and hold his snake, which was probably the biggest I've ever seen in real life. She had to have been at least seven or eight feet long, and she was the most beautiful cream-orange color. I was absolutely mesmerized by both of them, they had this sort of vibe around them, like the rush of adrenaline you get before cliff-diving or driving really really fast. I don't know what came over me, but I walked over, introduced myself AND ASKED IF I COULD HOLD HER. Me, The girl who'd scream if a Gardner was in my garden asked if I could hold a snake bigger than I was. I don't know what it was, but something about the two of them made me feel like I was invincible, anyways, he said I could and lit a cigarette. We talked a little bit, back and forth, and we might have flirted a bit. Even with all the makeup and fake scales he had on, it was easy to tell that he was pretty cute, plus he had a split tongue, and I don't have to explain why that's a plus. While we talked a small crowd had begun to form around him and his snakes, everyone seemed pretty interested, and he said it was his time to shine, so he started his act. Now I've seen snake-charmers before and I know how it works, they'll play a flute or maybe use a bit of string, but they'll always use something to catch the snakes focus and move it around to make it look like the snake was dancing. But he didn't have any gimmicks, and with how charming he was I wouldn't be surprised if he had just sweet-talked those snakes into dancing with him. But that was his act, he danced with the snakes. He actually danced with them, and they would move and flow over his body like water, as if he was telling them what to do. Each movement held so much grace and precise coordination that I was tempted to think his snakes were robots, it would be easier to believe than him training each of these snakes to perfection. What really got everyone was the finale! While he was dancing dozens of snakes began slithering their way to his feet and began crawling up him. By the time he bowed they looked like moving tribal tattoos! After he finished with his main act, he did some bar tricks and things like that. He'd have someone whisper to his snake, and he'd repeat it, Or they could show his snake a picture and he'd be able to tell you what it was a photo of. Nobody had a clue how he could do it, but it wouldn't be half as interesting if we knew, would it? Well Diary, I don't think I'm going to put up near as much fight the next time my parents invite me to the Circus, but I know I'll be keeping an eye out for a certain Snake-Charmer if I do. -Sincerely, Kathy."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Soviet Santa][center] [h2][color=fff200]Kasimir Kuznetzov[/color][/h2] [h1][color=fff200]The Great Volshebnik[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/2d/bd/2d2dbd0dca10fd250591fb535d01f487--anime-male--years.jpg[/img] Kasimir stands at a towering 6'6, although the slouch he commonly sports makes him seem an inch or two shorter, combined with his massive build and weight of nearly 275 pounds, he seems likelier to be the resident strongman than a children's magician. His hair and beard had grayed entirely years before he joined the circus, and both were worn long, but neat. His wardrobe tends to consists of neutral colors, and follows a theme similar to "Dress-Casual in August;" Often sporting his black jacket and a grey scarf over-top a sweater, paired with slacks and his boots. Although his attire is fairly modest, he uses it to hide away his prosthetic limbs. Due to his time with the circus and significant financial accumulation, he sports an incredibly advanced prosthetic right hand, and left leg. If you look closely enough, you might even notice the Tesla logo! Kasimir Joined the Circus September 29th, 1637. [color=fff200]Act [/color] The Great Volshebnik is a family friendly magician, using his contract to perform as in incredible illusionist. [color=fff200]Contract[/color] Portals Kasimir is capable of creating portals at will, which can lead to anywhere in the world he so chooses. [color=fff200]Compulsion [/color] [color=fff200]"I can never ask another to do what I myself can not."[/color] [color=fff200]Why they Joined the Circus. "To be a father once more, to begin my family anew."[/color] [color=fff200]Their Biography[/color] Like many in the Circus, Kasimir rarely discusses his life before his contract. However, four hundred years is a long time to keep a secret, and vague pieces of his past have been put together by the bits he has shared over the centuries. Kasimir was born a peasant in the peak of Russian Tsardom, with Ivan the terrible just achieving tsardom in Kaimir's childhood. During the Oprichnina of Russia, Kasimir's parents were executed after his mother had denied the advances of one of Ivan's numerous agents. During the period of oprichnina and the following times of trouble, Kasimir labored as a serf along with his aunt's family. Little else is known of his earlier years, as they were likely uneventful. However, it is known that by the 1620's he had become a wealthy farmer, tending the fields of the Romanovs along with his sons. At some point between this time and the beginning of his contract with the ringmaster, his family was once again executed by men of the Tsar, causing him to abandon faith in his masters, leading him to the ringmaster's open arms. [color=fff200]Their Connections[/color] Because of Kasimir's seniority over most other members of the circus, he will often lead or co-lead daemon hunts, his contract allowing him to hunt both offensively and defensively, depending on the situation. Additionally, his contract enables a circus of such a size to move on such short notice. [color=fff200]Their Audition[/color] The crowd sat patiently in the incredibly well lit tent, men and women, boys and girls, people of all ages sat anxiously awaiting the nights entertainment. Suddenly, the lights seemed to explode with brightness, and as their eyes recovered from the blinding surge, there he stood. "And now, The Great Volshebnik!" Came the ringmaster's bellowing voice, accompanied by the applause of the audience at his sudden appearance. The man was enormous, dressed in a fine brown suit, accompanied with a top-hat! His eyes seemed to glow with a warmth that would put the sun to shame, and the smile with it equally warm. He spread his arms and walked a circle around his stage, meeting eyes with each face for just a moment as his boisterous, accented voice spoke. [color=fff200]"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Greetings to all, young and old! I must warn you, what you are about to see is neither the sleight of a hand of the trick of an eye! What you witness tonight is the accumulation of forbidden knowledge and ancient powers ages old, what you witness tonight is..."[/color] The man then paused, reaching up to the top of his hat and bringing it down to his chest, while simultaneously bowing before the audience. [color=fff200]"Magic!"[/color] At his words, an eruption of doves began spouting from his top hat, an entire flock of them pouring out of the merely seven inch head-piece displayed before the crowd! The birds flew in brilliant, interloping spirals for several moments before diving back into his top hat. Then, for good measure, he flipped his hat on it's side displaying to the entire crowd that it was simply a plain top hat. The crowd erupted in applause, but The Great Volshebnik held up a finger, pausing them. Suddenly, another bird burst yet again from his hat! But he seemed prepared, and caught it the moment it had escaped. With a chuckle, and an apologetic nod to the crowd, he stuck the bird back into the hat. But, as he removed his hand, it had vanished! His hand had gone missing, along with the bird! The crowd gasped, and the Great Volshebnik mumbled loud enough for the crowd to hear. [color=fff200]"Agh! Not Again."[/color] With a frustrated sigh, he used his other hand to toss the hat to the side. This caused the audience to burst with laughter, especially from the children. Volshebnik grinned to the crowd mischievously, as a pair of doors were rolled onto the stage by two young men. His act proceeded in a similar manner for the next hour or so, preforming great feats of magic for the crowd, but in a manner that was humorous and entertaining. He would walk through a door on one side of the stage, and come out the door on the opposite side and appear incredibly confused, etc. However, after the end of his act, after he had bowed and turned to walk off stage, he accidentally stepped on his hat, plummeting up to his knee! He stood back up, and half his leg was missing! With a frustrated grunt, he smacked the hat away as the crowd roared with laughter. The Volshebnik simply gave a shrug as he stood, and began hopping backstage as the audience applauded and filed their way out. 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