[b]Selova Ajes[/b] [@Sync] [color=fff79a]"I don't eat so much for my breakfast,"[/color] Selova replied. She'd thought she'd adjusted with her new life well enough, but some of her inherent habits never change. [color=fff79a]"Usually I would have a bigger portion if I woke up in an earlier timing, its pretty late in the morning to be frank..." [/color] The voice from the hulkish figure sounded more like a roar to her, especially in a place like a quiet tavern, but her usual tall composure was maintained as naturally as breathing. [color=fff79a]"I'm not really a Knight actually,"[/color] She took a few remaining bites on her food, her grey eyes glancing upon the giant's. [color=fff79a]"Father passed on months before my knighting, and so I moved on to the mercenary's line of work."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Name's Selova Ajes,"[/color] She gave away her usual smile. It was rather surprising to know that that Hafrbjorn wasn't part of the guild yet, because he looked like someone who had been here for a long time.