I was checking in the OOC, and I was asking you to specify where the description of the trials were. But then I checked the IC and found them. [hider=Arlette] [center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/old-english-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180714/173d46581b9ec28ca2c638aab6e8abae.png[/img][/url] [color=silver][h3][I]"Only The Strongest Paws May Hope To Guide The Wayward Masses And Curb The Uncouth Tongues, Lest They Wander Unto Their Own Demise. As Such A Watcher Must Steel Themselves To Possess The Strongest Of Paws And the Firmest of Spirits." [/i]- Arlette of Lithelin [/h3][/color] [color=silver][h3] Arlette of Lithelin [/h3][/color] [color=silver][h3]Watchguard[/h3][/color] [color=silver][h3]Appearance[/h3][/color] [color=silver][b][i] Arlette is a mouse of presence and prestige, presenting herself in a manner that commands the attention and respect of all those around her. Not without reason either. Her bravado is not just a show, but a story of a mouse unlike any other. Her patchy grey fur and lithe figure speak volumes all of their own, what with the scars marring her muzzle and shoulders, and her left hind foot missing two toes. One need only watch the way she struts about on her hind legs like a lord to recognize the pride and confidence she possesses. Indeed the Daughter of Lithelin is a sight to behold, tall (even for a mouse) and garbed with the crimson armband of the Watch and a faded violet cloak. At her hip is sheathed a long sword, its black leather-bound hilt worn from common usage. Despite these features, even if she was to shed the cloth and weaponry Arlette would be hard to mistake for anything other than royalty or a ranking Watcher. There is something behind her eyes denoting a mouse of unshakeable resolve, that even the creatures of little wit or wile could recognize in an instant. [/i] [/b][/color] [color=silver][h3]Personality[/h3][/color] [color=silver][b][i] True to her appearance Arlette of Lithelin is a mouse of confidence and ambition. These two facets of her character, are almost caricatures in their own right. She is a hardnosed, cynical creature of little nonsense, apt to make her uncompromising opinions known without remorse to status or feelings. Her tact, or lack thereof is well noted throughout the Watch, mostly due to her aforementioned unsympathetic expressiveness. She’s also highly intelligent, and is well aware of it, to the point where she looks down upon those she considers “lesser”. “Commonmice and idiots,” as she might say. All that being said she is not just a bull in a china shop, wrecking without strategy. Quite the opposite in fact. Fore, although Arlette’s words are blunt and commonly scathing they are said for a purpose, all of which extends to her own ends and ambitions for power. She is something of an advocate for a greater level of interventionism and force from the watch, and enthusiastically acts upon her convictions, despite the reprehension she might receive from her superiors, of whom there are few. Some might say she abuses her power, but Arlette considers her actions justified as a realistic application of force. And at the end of the day she gets results. With these facts in mind you might be thinking her weakness then is diplomacy, and therein you would incorrect. Arlette actually possesses an impressive knack in diplomatic pursuits, as long as it does not require sucking up to somemouse. Fortunately in Arlette’s case buttering a mouse up is not often a mission requirement, otherwise Arlette will, and has resorted to throwing noblemice off their thrones and into their moats. She is not adverse to taking matters into her own paws, whether for better or worse. No if you were searching for her true weakness, Arlette lacks charisma and empathy. Whereas some leaders inspire those around them with words of grandeur, Arlette expects those under her follow without question. Her higher calling is above the wailing masses, and she recognizes, if a mouse wants to thrive in a world as harsh as theirs one has to break a few paws and cut a couple whiskers. Her approach to life leaves little room for mourning the demise of a few weaklings. After all somemouse has to stand firm with a stiff upper lip, daring the forces of the earth to unleash their worst upon them. And if anymouse could be that mouse, it would be Arlette. [/i] [/b][/color] [/center] [/hider]