[@Hokum] The operators at the Space Headquarters of Command Section A transmitted to the commander for a briefing about an Unknown Encounters and Hany's Ribbon Commander of HQ: "What is the meaning of this predicament and daring intrusion from this anomaly?!" Operator: "With a few evidences from our detecting equipment and with a sudden apparent from someone that we haven't known, we can press into our conclusion that we're currently under threatened by somebody with a first-handed, impending planetary attack that we're unable to identified." Commander of HQ: "Well great! The first sign of hostility in just after a few weeks of operations! What's next? Space wizards prophecy of Wololonism came to announce that we're already screwed? If they did, then they're absolutely right!" Operator: "Errr.. It would've been a best to make our first move to negotiate or something commander? We don't have much of an option besides few other things." Commander: "Gssszzz... Fine.. Tell that space alien to explain that if itself was right about being vaporized by the Harrison flying thingy when we do stay put, then said space alien must come forth and aid the whole planetary relocation and resource sustainable efforts if we want to move out efficiently. We can't just simply pack ourselves up and leave like that! That is a highly dishonorable act for letting the person at the hotseat, eating popcorn while we just magically disappeared because that person at the hotseat said merely words that the threats are coming without giving a damn if we get to live or not! If that alien was really telling the truth, then he must come to my space headquarters in person, not standing there and watching us disintegrate!" Operator: "Whatever you said sir. I'll proceed the message now." [quote=@Operator] At the communication to Fanny: "This is the operator of the Command Section A of the MASGC Space Headquarters.. The commander is not amused by your sudden presence, and he's wishes you to come in his Space Headquarters for further questioning about ones anomaly called Hany's Ribbon. Failure to looking forward with the commander in person will be branded you as a cowardice insolent by our vision. You'll have less than a day to accomplish this as because what you said, the destruction of the planet Iceolia will be imminent." [/quote]