Penelope didn’t protest as the two decided it was time for lunch. She was a bit hungry as well, already picking up on the enticing smells coming from the nearby vendors. Like Crow, she was rather surprised to find out that their were merchants who prepared food. She met Crow’s glance and gave a small smile. “I guess so. At least it smells good.” She remarked optimistically before following the young thief up to the stand. She eyed the wooden menu with interest. It seemed the food of Younis was rather different than that of Brerra as there was very little that Penelope recognized. She wondered if they were even cooked the same. Her focus was drawn away from the sign as Hartley mentioned the sheep’s feet. The knight matched Crow’s challenging gaze with a smirk. “Of course I can. I’m more worried about you honestly.” She said teasingly, giving him a playful nudge. “It’s really not that weird...” Hartley said as he watched the two for a moment. The young thief turned and stepped up to order for them. Penelope shrugged at his comment and waited while Hartley ordered the food. The knight soon began to feel as though they were being watched. Not able to shake the feeling easily, she began to look around the street. Nothing seemed off until her gaze landed on a young blonde woman. She was pretty, there was no doubt about that as she even reminded Penelope of a doll. She stood near a small shop with what Penelope guessed to her older brother. The older brother seemed focused on a conversation with the shopkeeper so he didn’t even notice that the girl wasn’t paying attention. Her light blue gaze kept drifting over towards them and for a brief moment, Penelope thought she was looking right at her. However, she soon realized that she was focusing on Hartley. The knight raised eyebrow, wondering if the girl possibly knew him. [i]She looks like she wants to speak to him... so why isn’t she?[/i] Penelope wondered in confusion. Alarm suddenly washed over Penelope as she thought that maybe Hartley had stolen from this woman at one point. Perhaps she was keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn’t get away before she could find some guards. If that was the case, Penelope wanted to get out of there before she sent the local knights their way. Penelope turned her attention away from the woman and back to the others. She saw Hartley was grabbing the food from the vendor and quickly moved to help him. “Let’s go find some place to eat out of the main street.” She said to Hartley, shifting her gaze to glance over at Crow as she wondered if he had picked up on the watchful doll.