Lanestol snappee back to reality as Marcus took a place next to him and asked about his necklace. He started to realize he might have become too fascinated with it to the point of navel-gazing. "Oh, yes. I was going to sell it for supplies if we had more time on Vlana. I've only ever been told it's an heirloom. In which case, people may see it and know it. That aside, everything else is necessary for us. Though, I can't help but wonder what's trying to stop me from parting with it feels dangerous to let it go." His thoughts were cut short by their landing and instructions to disembark. "Well, if it gets too bad, hopefully, I can trust the rest of you will help me. I will have to, in any case. And I do." He stood up to exit the shuttle and walk to the planet's surface, looking for a good place to leave his trinket.