[center][h1]The World Undone[/h1] (1905--)[/center] [hider=Orders] - Posting IC will be immensely beneficial to you as a player. It is, however, not necessary. This is designed so that you can still send in your orders if you are too busy to post, but posting IC will provide a tangible bonus to your DRM (Die Roll Modifier). - Each [b]Turn[/b] represents one In-Game Month. The player will submit [b]3 Orders[/b]. - Each order is then subject to a 1d6 roll. A 6 means a perfect execution and a 1 means a horrible failure. Posting IC gives you a +2 die roll to a single order, or a +1 die roll to all three. [Specified at the end of your IC post.]. This means that more active players are rewarded. - [b]Orders[/b]: * [b][color=yellow]Economic[/color][/b]: An order designed to benefit the nation economically. * [b][color=red]Military[/color][/b]: An order designed to affect your military. * [b][color=green]Diplomacy[/color][/b]: An order designed to conduct diplomacy. * [b][color=blue]Imperialism[/color][/b]: Exploring and developing new lands. * [b][color=gold]Conference[/color][/b]: Used to call a [i]Political[/i] or [i]Military[/i] Conference. Select which nations to invite. Begins a [b]Conference[/b]. (See PM for rules).[/hider][hider=Tensions] 1. [b]City-State of Julia[/b]: 5 / 5 Tensions with [b][color=gray]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/color][/b]. 2. [b]Kingdom of Cadia[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Kingdom of Etelia[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Cydernian Republic[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Melgaria[/b] 3. [b]Empire of Tyria[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Republic of Escya[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Cydernian Republic[/b] - 4 / 5 Tensions with [b]Helrox Empire[/b] 4. [b]Helrox Empire[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Republic of Escya[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/b] 5. [b]Toubrés Empire[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Kingdom of Etelia[/b] 6. [b]Republic of Ustrela[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Parakan Republic[/b] [/hider][hider=World Maps][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/f6G2ZIS.png[/img] [i]Eurania and Faresia, 1905[/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wM70lU6.png[/img] [i]The Fifth Continent, 1905[/i][/center][/hider] [hr][hr] [center][u]Turn 5[/u][/center][center][b][h2]June, 1905[/h2][/b][/center] [h3][b]June 1st[/b][/h3][indent]In the [b][color=blue]Toubrés Empire[/color][/b], a propaganda campaign is started in both the mainland the colonial department. The propaganda campaign will be given funding of $750,000 and will focus on demonizing the rebels in Toubrian Serranthia to the general public. The campaign was designed to portray the rebels as heinous villains, theatrically highlighting their acts of murder and kidnapping of innocent citizens in Serranthia, and portraying the rebels as a “disease that is rotting the heart of fair Serranthia." By placing posters across the major towns and cities, as well as publishing stories in the various national papers, the campaign will strive to condemn the rebels as base and inhuman, as well as leaving a clear warning for other potentially revolutionary groups. - [[b][color=red]-$750,000[/color][/b] for the [b][color=blue]Toubrés Empire[/color][/b]. Secondary effects unresolved.] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c6/ca/b6/c6cab65dc7752a8314b4b7ce8b23443b.jpg[/img] [i]Toubrian Propaganda Poster entitled "These Men March Against Us", depicting Tehmig rebels, 1905[/i][/center] The [b][color=green]Kingdom of Etelia[/color][/b] issued a diplomatic protest, with foreign ambassador Matazzo Etalo issuing a communique that read: "[i]It is deplorable that the Toubrés' morale compass points in which ever direction the Empress requires. She has requested a conference and then turned and condemned these rebels in the same breath. The Etelian colonial government of Suraya ([i]Etelian Serranthia[/i]) has announced that any who wish it so many seek refuge and shelter there. Bless the World, it is Known.[/i]" The [b]Crisis in Toubrian Serranthia[/b] becomes a poignant political issue in the upcoming Toubrian elections. Although the [i]Partido Popular Monárquico[/i] (Monarchist Party) had won an overwhelming majority in the 1899 election, allowing the Empress' agenda to be carried out, it was uncertain whether or not they would remain the same steadfast hold on the nation in the upcoming elections. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VrhIp1R.png[/img] [i]Toubrian Legislative Election Results, June 1899, Partido Popular Monárquico victories are in [b][color=red]Red[/color][/b][/i][/center] Opponents to the [color=red][i]Partido Popular Monárquico[/i][/color] were the [i][color=yellow]Partido Liberal[/color][/i], who espoused republican beliefs and wished to see the powers of the Empress' to be curtailed. Their strongholds were in the North. The [i][color=green]Partido Nacional[/color][/i] (National Party) were often short sighted friends of the monarchists, who wished to see Toubrés empire expanded, her fleets strong and her population free of immigrants. They often carried the coastal provinces. The [i][color=orange]Partido Socialiste[/color][/i] carried the province of Salastor in 1899 with 4 of the 7 seats but seemed incapable of garnering additional support elsewhere.[/indent] [b]Julo-Vigentan War[/b], [i]Western Front[/i] [indent]The [u]Second Imperial Army[/u] began it's offensive, codenamed [b]Operation Strangehold[/b], advancing up the Western Plains and being impeded only by the influx of Julian refugees--many of them who were not fleeing the city of their own accord, but rather having been told to leave the city. Many considered Viscount Zach Nato to have abandoned them, telling them to leave instead of to stay and fight.[/indent] [b]Julo-Vigentan War[/b], [i]Eastern Front[/i] [indent]On June 1st, both Vigentino and Julia started the morning with an offensive. A preliminary artillery barrage by Julian Thamber field guns and Vigentan Puccio 77mm's wreaked havoc and death for nearly four and a half hours. With superior range, the Thamber was put to rest by the superior number of Puccio's, whose counter battery fire was not necessarily superior but simply greater in number. With only 6,000 men defending the front against nearly 40,000 Vigentan's, the Julian rank and file were aghast at having been given the order to charge. At 7:50 that morning, a Julian assault by 2,800 men was summarily repulsed--with the majority left dead and dying. Twenty-two minutes later, 8,800 men of the [b]10th[/b] and [b]14th Infantry Division[/b] left the sloping hills and curved foxholes to begin their assault on a weakened Julian position. By 11:00 the Julian left had been broken through and the Julians were following back toward Julia. [center][img]http://trakia-tours.com/gallery/img-3-18-10-2011-09-36-02.jpg[/img] [i]The Julian Offensive was weak, ineffective and ended after two hours, June, 1905[/i][/center][/indent] [h3][b]June 2nd[/b][/h3][indent]In the [b][color=brown]Kingdom of Cadia[/color][/b], the national government orders: "[i]Build two factories for Harvult.[/i]" The facilitation of this order however requires that Harvult Arms, an entirely private company--be nationalized--since it is outside of the realm of possibility for the government to force the expansion of a privatized company. The Cadian government empties it's coffers by doling out the $10,000,000 required to nationalize the company. Seven of the nine principal engineers of Harvult emigrate to Itherae, refusing to work with the Cadian government. Lots for the two factories are located and construction begins immediately with a dispersal of half a million dollars for the two.[/indent] [b]Julo-Vigentan War[/b], [i]Eastern Front[/i] [indent]The Julian Homeguard continues it's retreat from Zilorno, while Vigentan soldiers consolidate their line and eradicate stragglers expeditiously.[/indent] [b]Julo-Vigentan War[/b], [i]Western Front[/i] [indent]The Vigentan [u]Second Imperial Army[/u] continues on until discovering a single line of soldiers, entrenching themselves and 20 Thamber's ten miles outside of the city walls. An engagement--a back and forth artillery barrage begins that will last three days before the last Thamber is zeroed in on and destroyed. Of the 3,000 soldiers from the 4th Homeguard, 461 will make it back to the city of Julia.[/indent] [b]Tyro-Helroxi War[/b] [indent]On June 2nd, the [b]2nd Field Army[/b], [b]3rd Field Army[/b] and [b]4th Field Army[/b] opened a massive artillery barrage of 250 Melhorn S55 field guns. After a preliminary 4 hour barrage where nearly 30,000 shells were fired, the combined might of these three field armies began to advance into Helrox territory. Tyrian intelligence made note of the following: "[i]No counter artillery fire was encountered[/i]." Given the lack of disruptive enemy fire, Tyrian mass assaults crashed into dazed Helroxi soldiers of [u]Army Group Reselven[/u]. [center][img]https://www.historyhit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/marnes-French_soldiers_ditch_1914-e1422534622401.jpg[/img] [i]Tyrian soldiers observing Helroxi positions during an artillery barrage, June 1905[/i][/center] Near the Escyan border, the [b]Helroxi 90th Cavalry[/b] charged a fixed Tyrian position with great success. Led by Major General Kylov, a veteran of the (now) First Tyro-Helroxi War, he managed to catch them unaware near dusk and succeeded in capturing 4 Melhorn S55 field guns and taking 1,800 Tyrians of the [u]5. Infanterie Division[/u] prisoner before falling back. By the end of June 2nd, the Tyrians had advanced nearly eight miles into Helroxi territory across a wide swathe.[/indent]