From atop one of the tallest buildings in Aquapolis City drifted the sound of music, carried by wind the sound was quiet but clear, indicating just how loud the music was being played. Dancing around an old beat-up boombox at the top of the building was a tall creature hidden in smoke with massive wings. Malvvosia, The Thrasher of False Kings, had made her way to the city to help with the efforts of protecting the seals. She had been under the impression that only humans were involved so she had been surprised to find several demons taking part as well, even more shocking -and down right appalling- was that angels were involved as well. Her trust in the whole endeavour shaken by the inclusion of angels, Malvvosia decided to take a more subtle approach than she normally would to a situation. By transforming into a human she was able to avoid unwanted notice, allowing her to get close enough to eavesdrop on the meeting that took place. Once the meeting was over she flew around the city and continued her dropping of eaves, to find out more about the kind of creatures she would, potentially, be working with. She found many of the angels and demons and humans that had taken part in the meeting all around the city and spent some time observing them. She felt the demons and humans had good enough heads on their shoulders, but they were not her main concern. The angels she came across were who she spied on the longest, an excruciating experience as she had to resist the urge to run up and bash them in the head. Having finished her spying, Malvvosia came to the concision, that while she might not like them, the angels did seem dedicated to protecting the seals. All the same, her disliking of angels put her in a mental quandary as to whether or not she wanted to join in or not, so she elected to find a place that was private and enjoy some of her favourite human music to take her mind off things. As the smokey demon danced around the rooftop feathers would shake loose from her wings and flutter in the air a moment before slowly falling to the ground. She had been dancing for some time so there was a decent sized bed of feathers coating her dance floor, and about half as many still floating in the air slowly making their way towards joining the others. She paid the loss of feathers no mind as she had plenty to spare, and her attention was focused on the humans below. She adored just about everything to do with humans and loved to watch them go about their lives, often making up stories for why they were doing what the were doing, and making up their names so she had something to call them. Dancing along the edge of the roof, using her wings to keep her from falling off, she looked down at a nearby park and spotted two humans she had been watching for most of the day. Dorian and Princess Red Shirt were what she had elected to call them and they had spent most of their day wandering around in the park. It was difficult to tell from so far away but it looked as though Princess Red Shirt was resting her head on Dorian's shoulder. They made a cute couple: Malvvosia wondered if it would be rude to drop in on the wedding she had just then decided the two were undoubtedly going to have. Continuing to dance along the edge she made her way around to the other side of the building, and spotted Martha Abigail Peterson sitting out on her balcony knitting. Malvvosia had spotted the woman a few hours prior, where she had been folding laundry on the same balcony. There had been quite a bit of laundry so Malvvosia decided that must mean Martha had ten children, undoubtedly she was knitting clothes for an eleventh on the way. The dancing demon began to think up fitting names for the yet-to-be-born child, when a strong gust of wind hit the top of the building almost blowing her off the side. She dug her toes into the concrete to stop herself from falling. The feathers in the air and on the ground were picked up and blown away in a swirl, looking more and more like a flock of strange birds the farther away the wind took them. A second gust of wind knocked the decrepit boombox over; the music cut off abruptly following the upsettingly familiar sound of music equipment breaking. With a sigh Malvvosia went over and inspected the device, trying a few buttons and knobs, and giving it "love taps" -as the humans liked to call them- to see if she could get it going. She quickly realised that was not going to happen. "Damn it all..." Taking her musical destruction as a cue to actually come to a decision, Malvvosia decided she would help for as long as the seals needed protection. She would work alongside angels up to the very moment the seals were no longer in danger, and not a moment longer. She smiled at the thought of the look on those angels faces when she would tear them to shreds. "All good things to those who wait," she muttered happily to herself. As she had skipped out on the meeting Malvvosia decided, that since she was going to be fighting alongside these people, it would be prudent to introduce herself to someone on the team, as a means to break the ice. She recalled observing two people -after listening to them for some time she realized they were demons- earlier in the day and remembered thinking they seemed a reasonable pair. With a mighty push that broke the concrete beneath her feet, Malvvosia leapt towards the end of the city she recalled seeing the pair in. As she began to lose height she used her wings to guide her towards an alleyway where she could land unseen. Moments before she landed she altered her form to take on the appearance of a human, hitting the ground just as the transformation finished. Her landing, like her take off, cracked the pavement around her in a large radius. Malvvosia brushed debris from her leggings and straightened her jacket before heading off to find those she sought. After she turned she found a human child staring at her, mouth agape, hand frozen in an open claw that had previously been holding a bag of candy. Malvvosia smiled, approached the child, bent down, and grabbed the candy that had fallen to the ground in shock. She placed it back in his hand and made sure he was gripping the bag tight enough that he wouldn't drop it again. She spent some time observing the young boy who could have been no older than ten. His face was caked with different colours from the candy he had been eating, and he had various band-aids all over his body. Malvvosia smiled and decided his name was Dennis "Run along, Dennis," she said with a smile. Her voice was cheerful and held a tinge of playfulness in it, but was far too mature and powerful for the young face it emanated from. "Enjoy the rest of your day, and try not to drop that candy again." Malvvosia plucked a piece of candy from the bag, popped it in her mouth and walked away, doing her best to hide the fact her face was twisted in disgust. She never did understand human’s obsession with eating sour things. The young boy gripped his candy tighter and ran off to find his friend to tell them about the experience, yelling back at the strange woman, “My name’s not Dennis!” Malvvosia wandered around for sometime, repeatedly getting distracted watching and interacting with humans. She eventually found the two demons she had been looking for. They hadn’t moved, and were in the same spot she had left them hours prior. She approached them and put on her best attempt at a welcoming smile "Greetings Fae! I'm Malvvosia" she held out a hand "The Thrasher of False Kings. A pleasure to meet you." song on the boombox: