[quote=@Hokum] Ten or so feet from Cuna is one of the hobo types resting against the wall of the Station Hall. He is obviously a junky of the lowest ranks with syringe track marks up his forearm, festering scabs in the crease of his elbow. He has dark sunken eyes, pallid skin, purple lips and body odor that could be clearly smelt from that distance. This man also caught Cuna’s attention with a shaky raise of one hand as he motions for Cuna to come closer. “brotha….” He says, in a broken voice only just audible enough for Cuna to hear; “Gib meh a lil somfin, just a lil fix te hel meh sleep. Won ya do dat fo meh, brotha?” [/quote] Cuna felt a (completely coincidental) shiver go down his spine as he looked at the junkie, grimacing at the very sight of the man. Did Pirila really think he was one of [i]those?[/i] Granted, he hadn’t fucking looked in a mirror for a while, but he fucking tried to take decent care of himself. Of course, Cuna smoothly averted his gaze as though he hadn’t even seen or heard the man. He calmly moved on away from the damn honestly disgusting excuse for a human, retracing his steps towards the direction where he had seen the girl move off to. Granted he had to fuckin’ try and limit his bloody swearing near her, but at least she was decent fucking company. He purposely avoided the entrance with that asshole chauvinist or whoever the fuck was down there who was [i]supposedly[/i] an admiral of fucking whatever.