[@Eviledd1984][@Silver Carrot] RBC [b][i][color=fff200]Yang Bethlehem[/color][/i][/b] She sighed and thanked the guards with a bow of her head. "I'm sorry for all this trouble, and I deeply regret my actions to your comrades. I went as easy as I can to them, they should be fine." Yang said apologetically to them, she did refrained as much as she can. The damage shouldn't be permanent at least. Still, this was by far, the worst experience she had. Not only she started trouble, the old woman was dead. There's nothing she could do now to change that, a sorrowful look on her face appeared at that thought. She walked back home listlessly, not really caring as her mind was just filled with nothing but emptiness. The drop of rain made her aware of it as she raised her head, before she turned around to Maria and took off her thick, travel monk clothing and passed it to her. "Here, its raining, cover yourself with it." Yang was down to a short robes that fit the day to day life for the eastern style, within, her chest was tightened and held by bandages. During the cold rain, Yang didn't seem to register it. She had worst training before, and she was too preoccupied with what she could have done to salvage the situation. Her eyes closed briefly as the rain droplets sting her eyes, and ground her teeth in frustration as she couldn't come up with an answer. She briefly wondered, what exactly her master would do? Soon, she reached back to the guild, drenched, her clothes wet and felt a shiver coming despite her constant breathe exercise to warm herself up. Yang weakly raised a hand, nodded and smiled to Neil, before her eyes came to the large hole and wondered what just happened. Neil had a close look to Yang without the thicker monk robes which allowed him to see her muscular structure and shoulders. One that was built with nothing but hard training for almost a lifetime. Hearing Neil being concerned for them warmed her heart up, her smile regained some radiance back as she pulled Neil into a hug. "Thanks, our quest...didn't end well." She said to Neil and didn't really extrapolated beyond that. "I'll have to report this to Guildmaster Bart first though. Is he still awake?" She asked Neil as he pulled away from him gently. [@PaulHaynek] [@Lmpkio] [@Silver Carrot] ELD [@The Irish Tree] [color=ed145b][i][b]Ditzy Stoneclub[/b][/i][/color] Ditzy did a fist pump as he smiled triumphantly at that. He slowly made his way to Bart to listened what's going and briefly collected the sandbag he had lobbed to the bad man. "I can hit him hard enough that he can't remember who he was!" He suggested innocently to Neil and Bart with a smile before someone else had interceded as he watched the large new lady tossed the man far into the woods. He watched in awe as the man soared in the air before landing afar. He giggled at that, that man was like a tossed stone! He wondered if he should do that next time. "Oh, you're strong! Are you a dragon! Where's your gold?" Ditzy inquisitively asked as he had to stretched his neck upwards, the large dragon lady was the largest person he had seen so far. "Wanna be friends?" He offered a hand to her eagerly and a large childish smile, he met another friend in just the span of a day. It was a fun day for him! "And what's your name?"