[h2][center][b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b][/center][/h2] [h3][center]The Volunteer Guard Division[/center][/h3] At the start of the Second Helroxi-Tyrian War, Itheraen emissaries in Tyria would be given the order to offer the aid of an Itheraen volunteer division in order to offer a quicker means of destruction to the Helroxi forces. The Queen Athena's official statement on the matter would be to "... aid in eradication a threat that has loomed over Eurania for long enough." However, Itherae would not officially join the war as to not attract to much attention in the regional political sphere. The Volunteer Guard Division would be comprised of 2,000 men from 3rd Guards Division, led by Commander Laskaris would, with an outfit of 10 67mm Field Guns, would join with the Tyrian 2nd Field Army. These men would go to go from boat to the closest Tyiran port to the front of the war, from there, the unit would move using the Tyrian Railway and reach the Tyrian 2nd Field Army. Commander Laskaris would work closely with Tyrian command in driving back the Helroxi forces in the most efficient manner possible rather than a mass assault that might cost the division a large portion of their available manpower. The Itheraen forces would be leave for the front on June 15th and would be expected to reach their destination on the front by the end of the month. The Itheraen Commander Laskaris would regard the decision of the being sent with a volunteer force as, "... a chance to test Itheraen military capabilities and see if we need to rethink our military strategy. Furthermore, I would like to see how well our weapons operate on the field." Commander Laskaris was eager to see what his nation's military had to offer due to the long time of peace that the nation had experienced since the end of the Second Ithero-Cadian, which had lasted from 1858 to 1859. However, he was also eager in to try some new tactics which had theorized would would help in securing success, though only battlefield experience would show how effective they would prove for the military. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7b/Papoulas_Anastasios.JPG/240px-Papoulas_Anastasios.JPG[/img] [i]Commander Laskaris Circa 1900[/i][/center] (+1 to all June Orders)