Penelope smirked a little as Crow decided to intervene. She took a few bites from her own food as she listened in on their conversation. It made sense now why Kip had been staring their way and why Hartley was acting so nervously. She frowned a little at the thought of Hartley leaving her behind without so much of a goodbye. [i]She’s probably been worried sick about him... No wonder she keeps staring over here.[/i] She thought with sympathy. She watched as Hartley headed off at a slow pace towards the shop and then glanced over at Crow as she gave a small nod of agreement. “And oblivious. I can’t believe he didn’t notice her on his own. She was zeroed in on him like a hawk.” She said shaking her head as she turned back to her meal. She took a couple more bites of her food and noticed Hartley had reached the shop. He seemed stiff but Kip’s face seemed to brighten at his appearance, though Penelope noted that she seemed a bit nervous as well. Penelope smiled a little to herself and looked over at Crow. “I hope she accepts him... Poor kid has enough problems with his family, last thing he needs is being rejected just because he’s a thief.” She said quietly before continuing to munch on her food. --- Hartley stepped up to Kip and her brother, his heart beating fast at the thought of speaking to her again after so much time had past. He was still rather sure she was mad at him for leaving without a word. While he walked up, Kip moved away from her brother to meet him. He reluctantly lifted his gaze to meet her bright eyes. “Uh.. Hey Kip.” He said soon averting his gaze to the ground. Kip smiled at him. “Hi Hartley... It’s.. It’s been a while.” She said in a soft and polite voice. “Have you been well?" “Yeah. I-I’ve been good. How have you been?” Hartley said shuffling his feet. “Good.. We moved into this two a couple weeks ago. Dad wasn’t making as much money back home as he used to so he moved out here for some job.. Do you live out here now?” “Oh no.. I’m just passing through with some friends.” Hartley said motioning back to Penelope and Crow. An awkward silence fell over the two until Hartley spoke up once more. “I’m sorry I just left without a word.. I know you probably hate me now..” “I don’t hate you.” Kip said shifting her gaze to the side. “I missed you.. That town wasn’t nearly as fun without you around.” Hartley flushed at her words. “W-Well! I’m here now! Uh for a little bit at least... I mean, do you want to spend some time together now, for a while? We can catch up and I can introduce you to my friends.” He said speaking rather excitedly. Kip giggled and nodded her head. She glanced over her shoulder towards her brother, who merely rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively. “Just don’t be late for dinner! Otherwise mom and dad will kill me!” He shouted over to her before turning back to the shopkeeper. “C’mon. We can split my hot pie.” Hartley said before beginning to lead Kip back over to the table.