The Warden strode down the hall feeling very pleased with himself, he had received a letter from the city council saying that they wanted to present him a commendation at the opening of the new Metropolitan Courthouse, and that bastard Mayor would be the one handing it to him. He looked forward to seeing the egg on the Mayors face more than the award itself. As he perused his list he saw with some satisfaction Dmitri Jager: "Dr." Gheist was next on his list one of the more entertaining stops he got to make. He turned a corner and walked to what seemed like a dead end but in the middle of the wall was a small window with four holes beneath it. Peering through the window The Warden saw Dmitri strapped to his usual slab angled to face the window, his eyes checked the IV connected to Dmitri's neck feeding him a slightly more than healthy dose of sedatives. "Open it" The warden commanded and the guards nodded and turned to a small door just to the left of the window opening it they retrieved an odd looking device on wheels with four heavy tines on its front. The machines tines slotted into the holes on the wall perfectly and when activated the machine began whirring and lifted the section of wall and moved it backwards and off to the side. The Warden strode into the cell with an air of arrogant confidence. "Well Mr. Jager how do you like your new cell?" he said gesturing to the mostly empty room. "I must say Dr. Lawson has outdone himself with this one" The warden continued gesturing to the slab suspended by the machine. "How do you hold a man who can rewire almost anything?" The warden asked rhetorically "You don't give him the chance!" he answered himself a large smile on his face. "Dr, Lawson said it was "Owens Shaver" or something like that, Anyway I do hope you enjoy your new accommodations "Doctor" " the warden called as he turned to leave. "Ocums... Rashure" Dmitri slurred raising his head and focusing his bloodshot grey eyes on the Warden. The Warden turned just at the entrance of the cell and asked "What did you just say?" "It's Occam's Razor...You Idiot" Dmitri managed to spit out. The Warden looked a little put off but quickly brushed it aside and exited the cell. As the slab was placed back into its spot by the machine the warden turned to one of the guards and said "I want you to tell Medical to up Mr. Jager's Dosage". The guard nodded and marched off as the Warden checked Dmitri's name off his list and continued his rounds.