With Kyra safely away from the cultist, it was time to split. No hesitation, no thought, he just needed to run. And so Orchid booked it away from the cultist, not even caring if they slash at him, while running to Parum. Compared to the rest of the party she was the slowest one, and Torag was already busy carrying the wounded Leosin. Plus, Parum was small so that made her easy to carry. Orchid would scoop her right up if she would allow him, and than run off into the forest as fast as he could. [color=a2d39c]"Ha ha! We run! Slow em down, ya?"[/color] Orchid asks the halfling as he tries to catch up to the others. [hider=Rolls] HP: 17/22 AC: 14 (No Shield) Rage: 1/2 Status: Raging Weapon: 1d8+5 (Raging One-Handed Longsword) [/hider]