[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/teenwolf/images/7/70/Tumblr_static_la1rge.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140807191948&path-prefix=pl[/img] [color=#FF0000]______________________________________[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]★[/color] [color=#FFD4D4]☆[/color] [color=#FFAAAA]★[/color] [color=#FF7F7F]☆[/color] [color=#FF5555]★[/color] [color=#FF2A2A]☆[/color] [color=#FF0000]★[/color] [color=#FF2A2A]☆[/color] [color=#FF5555]★[/color] [color=#FF7F7F]☆[/color] [color=#FFAAAA]★[/color] [color=#FFD4D4]☆[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]★[/color] [color=#FF0000]______________________________________[/color][/center] "[color=crimson]You can't possibly drag me through the entirety of the halls, C,[/color]" Noah protested as the much stronger girl physically dragged the boy through the halls. She was doing a damn good job of it too, earning the pair several looks with Noah himself mostly grinning. He really, really didn't want to go to class, which Chloe had taken as 'I'm not going'. Truthfully, he should have stopped her a while ago, but watching his friend struggle was a little too amusing for him. Running his free hand through his hair, he frowned at the back of Chloe's head. "[color=crimson]I'm really at a loss for this.[/color]" He said, trying to get some advice on trying not to fail. School was just a little too important to Noah, which should have made him a better student, but he was content with barely passing. Honestly, he was just an average student, but the last thing he wanted was to fail and disappoint his parents. They had wanted him to excel, even if it was in another world completely different than the one he was used to. Releasing him for a moment, Chloe placed her hands on her hips, annoyed. "[color=orange]Why don't you just ask Elliot for help?[/color]" She returned his question with one of her own, though at least they were walking normally side by side as she chose to continue. "[color=orange]He'll complain, but at least you won't fail.[/color]" That much was true. Noah often relied on Elliot's notes most of the time, but... "[color=crimson]Elliot has a tendency to dump information, which was fine for the past few years, but now...[/color]" His voice trailed off as he noticed the slowly gathering crowd of students gathering around a blonde girl. She looked familiar, but he couldn't quite grab her name off the top of his head. Wait, no, he knew who that was when they got closer: Lily! Like the flower! Though he personally thought flowers didn't do her justice. She was very pretty, kind eyes looking at the boys around her. Sweetly talking, her voice was like a harp, lightly playing through the air. Still, if he wasn't mistaken, she seemed stuck in place, the crowd slowly growing as each guy wanted her attention. Chloe noticed his staring, lightly nudging him. "[color=orange]Poor thing, getting hounded again,[/color]" She commented, shaking her head. "[color=orange]You think by now the guys would learn.[/color]" Stopping in place, Noah frowned. Why wasn't she telling them to back off? He looked at Chloe, who gave him a questioning look, though he found himself rooted in his current position. "[color=orange]What is it, Noah?[/color]" "[color=crimson]She looks like she needs help,[/color]" He admitted, frowning. Chloe stared at him for a moment, waiting for something to happen, and she ended up nudging him again when he returned his gaze to Lily. "[color=crimson]What?[/color]" "[color=orange]Are you going to stand there staring, or are you going to help?[/color]" A great point as always, although Chloe wasn't really expecting Noah to do anything, so she was surprised when Noah walked straight through the crowd of guys, effortlessly pushing them side. He got a few protests, though they seemed more upset that he was blocking their view. Coming to the front of the crowd and effectively turning the entirety of their attention to him. Hmm, what would Elliot do in this situation? Looking around, Noah rolled his eyes, clapping his hands. "[color=crimson]It's time for class, so stop standing around and get going![/color]" He scolded them, motioning for the pack to disperse. His eyes eventually landed on Lily, and he couldn't help but flash a smile. "[color=crimson]You, too, young lady, get going![/color]" [center][color=#FF0000]______________________________________[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]★[/color] [color=#FFD4D4]☆[/color] [color=#FFAAAA]★[/color] [color=#FF7F7F]☆[/color] [color=#FF5555]★[/color] [color=#FF2A2A]☆[/color] [color=#FF0000]★[/color] [color=#FF2A2A]☆[/color] [color=#FF5555]★[/color] [color=#FF7F7F]☆[/color] [color=#FFAAAA]★[/color] [color=#FFD4D4]☆[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]★[/color] [color=#FF0000]______________________________________[/color][/center]