Penelope went along with the act of them being married again, something she was beginning to get used to doing. She smiled politely at the older woman and muttered a word of thanks before leaving with Crow. Like him, she began to search for a place to change until he soon pointed out the alcove. She nodded her head and followed him over to the secluded spot. She looked down towards where there was a bend in the passage before turning back to him. “O-k.” The knight froze as she saw him pulling off his tunic. Her face turned a bright red as she realized she was beginning to stare at him. She quickly turned away and set off at a fast pace to bend where she could change. The knight rounded the corner and buried her face in her new dress. [i]Stop getting all worked up... He could have at least waited until I was gone though![/i] She let out a deep breath, attempting to calm her pounding heart. She did a small survey of her surroundings to make sure she was utterly alone. Feeling safe and satisfied, she slid out of the dress she was wearing and slipped on the new navy blue one. It’s material was comfortable and it felt like a decent fit around her body. Penelope smoothed it out slightly and glanced down at herself. Though she didn’t wear many dresses due to her career and attitude, she found herself rather fond of this one. Likely because it was not only made better than most dresses in Brerra but also because it wasn’t over extravagant like the gowns most noblewomen paraded around in. [i]If it makes it through the rest of this journey, maybe I’ll even keep it..[/i] She thought to herself. Penelope turned and headed back down passage to join Crow. Her gaze briefly looked him over, finding that his new clothes fit him much better than the old tattered ones. [i]He looks good..[/i] Her face grew warm at the thought and she soon averted her eyes elsewhere, afraid that she’d end up ogling at him. “Looks like all that’s left is finding an inn now.” She said, attempting to both sound casual and focus on something else.