[center][h1][color=6ecff6]Cassandra Reed[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/2788d7078f0038aa51b092b67f339fb9/tumblr_optm48JIl11trp40so1_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: The Framework Skills: Mission Strategy, Dermal Armor & Handguns[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Cassandra turned her attention towards Niah as she asked about what to do with the guards. [color=6ecff6]"Knock them out as quickly as possible, try and not to use lethal force unless necessary."[/color] Cassandra told her, as she looked over at Zoya as she asked where the possible targets were, she honestly couldn't even remember. And she also had a feeling that Fury may have changed just about everyone's locations inside as well, to level the playing field. [color=6ecff6]"The Brotherhood, unsure where they would be exactly inside of the building. However the virus should be located on the sublevels where it originally should be."[/color] Cassandra answered as she looked over and nodded towards Arcturus she did remember where the security room was located. [color=6ecff6]"Theres a security room that is located on the first floor that you could patch yourself into, and telepathy will certainly come in handy as well."[/color] Cassandra said as she watched Tinley go towards her team and started to ask about their skills, sighing slightly the girl certainly would need to learn more on working with a team which should be something that they all learned in the Ops Academy as well. When Valencia asked her about what force to use on the Brotherhood. [color=6ecff6]"Same as the guards, lethal force as a last resort, and yes Quicksilver will be there, but as a member of the X-Men."[/color] Cassandra answered figuring that Fury still wanted that part of the mission to go as well. Then Theresa decided to show off her powers, which were a bit amazing however it did end up catching the guard's attention rather quickly as all hell literally started to break lose around them. And the guards quickly started to shoot at them, their element of surprise is now out the window. She watched Novikova's ability quickly activate earth manipulation would certainly be useful as well. Then Kelley as well protecting everyone else but her. Cassandra felt three shots go off against her, looking down at her chest as three bullets harmlessly fell off of her. Cassandra quickly drew out her I.C.E.R. as Zoya used her power as well, hearing the sound wincing slightly as her ears rung slightly but was able to shoot off five I.C.E.R. rounds and managed to shoot down all five with ease. [color=6ecff6]"Team Abercrombie there is a side entrance, use that to get in. My team go in through the front got it?"[/color] Cassandra said, she thought that she would have died and was lucky that she actually survived and her ability was certainly going to get a hell of a lot of use out of. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Maria Smith[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l4Ki7tArmXltT2c9y/giphy.gif[/img] [I]Location: The Framework Skills: Life-Force Absorption, Power Absorption (Kelley's Telekinesis)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Maria looked at everyone who was there as they all started to talk, but her attention was mostly towards Cassandra as she listened in on her orders. She moved over towards Tinley, she worked well with her during the training and sparing matches, but they weren't friends either. Maria decided to answer her and shrugged slightly. [color=lightgreen]"I'm great with a bow but i'm lacking one, before jumping in Fury told us those that stayed anyway and told us our powers. Mine is Life-Force Absorption and Power Absorption."[/color] Maria said towards her as she looked over at Team Reed as they spoke a bit more. Then Sparks decided to show off her powers for the first time as she watched her float slightly off the ground, and watched her shoot lightening out of her fingertips. Though they all missed their mark, and then quickly the guards caught on, losing the element of surprise as she watched Novikova throw up a rock barrier, and Kelley using Telekinesis and protected the rest of the group from harm. However Maria did watch as Cass took three fatal blows, but luckily they just fell off her like it was nothing. Maria noticed that Cass had taken their forcefield/protection users and thought that they could use some as well. [color=lightgreen]"Sorry, if it hurts you."[/color] Maria said as she ran up to Teig and quickly put her hands on his arm, feeling the power go through her and then backed up. Kelley started to drop down to his knees and groaned out rather loudly feeling like he was going to puke, he turned to look over at Maria and glared at her slightly. "Give me a moment." He said groaning slightly.