Meesei hummed a moment, lifting up her hand and glancing down at her ring. "Hmm, it is sometimes easy to forget how much my ring does for me. Lycan spirits are restless, and most tend to suffer nightmares from time to time. I cannot remember the last time I slept without it." Meesei laid back shortly after Lunise and just allowed the silence to fill the air for a while. It was peaceful, especially with the enchantments blocking all sound from passing through the walls. Though, she did eventually continue from the thoughts passing through her mind. "I am dreading the politics I am going to have to deal with for the next few months, but at least Ri'vashi will be handling most of the actual military details of the invasion. And perhaps she will have better luck getting along with Teroiah. She is Khajiit, a race I assume a Thalmor would be accustomed to working with, and she understands Imperials through her upbringing. I at least expect to be [i]somewhat[/i] less busy than I have been. Most of my pack intends to visit their families and loved ones with their time...I am not sure what I should do."