[h2]Mordred[/h2] "Yeah yeah, so sad, so sad," Mordred responded, waving her hand in a dismissive fashion. It was like a broken record with Sir Tristan. She did agree, however, that it was a shame that they weren't on different sides. After all, it was true. They didn't get to fight if they'd been summoned as allies. "I guess I agree with you, it's that the true heir to King Arthur can't kick your ass across this town." It was true, in her heart, but that wasn't the only reason she had referred to herself like that. Mordred wanted to do her best to piss the other knight off as much as she possibly could. Giving him a rather sharp, vicious grin, she almost considered proposing that they spar at some point(so she could get the satisfaction of beating him into the ground, naturally), but she was interrupted when Caster suddenly offered her some tea, by complete surprise. It took the red knight off guard, and she awkwardly took the cup. "Uh... yeah... sure...?" For a few moments she stared at the, taken out of her irritation at seeing Tristan again. Then, she received mental communication fro. her Master, and she followed her to her seat. [i]'I'll just kick his ass if things go wrong! No problem!'[/i] [@KoL][@Raineh Daze][@Grey][@PKMNB0Y]