Penelope felt a small bit of panic run through her as there was an awkward silence after her words. She thought he might have caught onto how she looked him over. She lightly bit her tongue and remained quiet as they walked on to find an inn. The knight’s heart still raced as she worried about her actions making things more awkward. [i]First last night and now this! I need to stop being so careless...[/i] She scolded herself. Crow’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she finally dared to look over at him again. She froze at his words and her heart leapt at his compliments. She certainly hadn’t been expecting that to come out of his mouth. “T-Thanks.” She said awkwardly, blushing yet again. Her thanks barely had a chance to come out of her mouth before he soon switched the subjected and moved on to head inside the inn. [i]What’s yer point? Am I not allowed to find ‘Penelope’ attractive?[/i] The drunken words from a couple nights ago suddenly rang in her head. In that moment, she began to realize that perhaps it wasn’t just the alcohol talking. Time seemed to slow down as she walked into the inn, thinking over the things that had happened between them as of late. [i]But he kept thinking of you. Like a lovesick puppy.[/i] Now Olivia’s words echoed in her head and suddenly the pieces started to mold together. A pulse of excitement rushed threw her at the thought that maybe Olivia hadn’t been completely lying. [i]But does he really feel the same as me? Or is it just a physical thing?[/i] She thought with some doubt. Penelope debated the possibility. Admittedly, she couldn’t quite give a certain answer though she suspected that he was merely just attracted to her and attraction didn’t always equal love. “Welcome!” Said a cheery innkeeper. His voice snapped Penelope back. She blinked, finding herself confused and a little flustered. “What kind of room are ya looking for?” “One with three beds.” Penelope said trying to pull herself away from such crazy thoughts. “Three beds! That’ll be forty-five tael.” He told them, his eyes shifting to Crow expectantly.