Eine nodded and rested her elbows on the table. "Those are very good questions, Rick. Your supervisor will be a man by the name of Edmondo Liberto. He is a rather laidback man whom originally lived in Rome itself. Lucky man didn't have too far to look for work." The small smile on her face was kind as always, but made it easy to see that the woman was, despite her occupation, quite able of making a joke every now and then. "Naturally, this mission will have you in the driver's seat. Edmondo will be chaperoning you, in a sense, but you will be in command. However, Edmondo is both a safety net and a senior, so if he must take command I have no doubts that he shall." There wasn't much else to speak about on the matter as far as that was concerned. Rick's questions were much better suited for those actually involved in the mission. Of course, Eine would be the voice in Rick's ear, but aside from that, Edmondo was a far better source of information. "With that said, you have the rest of today to prepare. Edmondo has asked that our meeting place be in Sighisoara, and with that in mind you are in the unfortunate situation of not being able to socialise with your superior until you have already accepted the task. Naturally, I also came here to receive your consent for your participation in this mission." Reaching into her suit jacket, Eine pulled out two more pieces of paper and slid them across the table along with a pen she produced from her breast pocket. A typical consent and non-disclosure form. With the pieces of paper in front of the man, all she could do was wait.