[center] [h3]Strategist "Jacky" Servant to Carley-Beth [i]Miyama Harbor[/i][/h3] [@Paradox Witch][/center] Between the bickering mask on one end and the newly-involved, child-like Master on the other, neither of them would have noticed - or cared - about the newest arrival to grace the War's presence until a curt clearing of the throat cut in a pace or two from the now-docked boat. "Jacky" lowered a gloved, cupped fist to her side, scrutinizing both mask and Master alike. "Well, this is a new record for me." the Strategist finally added with a slight smirk on her pale face, her hand resting on the pommel of her cutlass. "Barely five seconds coming ashore and already I'm seeing a Magus arguing with a mask, a mask being animate [i]to begin with[/i], and the battleground and residence of this new Holy Grail War is [b]already[/b] going up in smoke." The Servant shuffled about on the gangway to face the glowing fire in the distance. "I suspect you'd want to go through the motions of confirming who's who and all the nauseating regurgitation called 'ritual' which practically every other Magus would go through at this point," Her brow furrowed. "But I doubt either you or I would have much time for that. Just tell me what needs to be done, or is intended, and I will do my utmost to carry it out."