[quote=@Sola] ??? The opening post has been up for only a day. Not everyone can up and drop a multi-paragraph post right away at a moment's notice. Some people have jobs or school among other things that may keep them busy. That statement sounds like you want to rush for the sake of rushing. Yes, this is a PvP-based scenario with fast paced combat, but speedposting can and will drive people away. I'm not saying everyone has to post every post cycle, but if people are [i]literally[/i] unable to react to opposing players (e.g. a team preforming a flanking maneuver) due to speedposting, then yes, we have a problem. [/quote] I whole heartedly agree with your standing on speed posting, but that's missing my point entirely. I'm not against taking time to work on posts, but adding the four or five people who are already cued up in a de-factor waiting list when we already have, as you say, jobs and other things to keep us busy, won't do anything to help us along. At the very least we need to see how we operate with the nine people we have before we consider expansion or contraction of the player base.