[quote=@Sola] Your statement sounded awfully pushy in regards to people being able to post/having a post up quickly, especially with the "no one has actually posted in the IC" part, but no worries. [/quote] Hehe, sorry, tone's hard to convey in pure text and my verbiage was a touch too forceful for decency's sake. As for the issue of teams, I don't see it being that big of a concern. For one the tourney is, from what I've surmised, a prologue. And since we aren't going to be focused as intensely on inter-personal conflict as a strictly PvP RP the imbalance isn't such a great threat as it could be. Perhaps there will be a team or two or a solo player not strictly bound to a grouping. That just means they go less detected in a conflict and can better maintain the advantage of surprise while the larger teams focus down the bigger threats.