Flint let his eyes wander around the room in favour of looking towards the new arrival, but turned his gaze when the fanciest of the three began to speak. This was the one looking for mercenaries? From the look of him, shouldn’t he have a legion of serfs to do his bidding instead? Unless you needed somebody to do the dirty work, which this was looking to entail. Flint leaned forward and plucked a single diamond off of the table. [color=8dc73f]“And what is to stop us from just... taking these and running?”[/color] he said, waving the same hand, the small stone held between finger and thumb. His eyes flicked to his bodyguards, then back to Lord Guthbert. [color=8dc73f]“Aside from the obvious, of course. The thing being, m’lord, these stones are [i]Cardinal Gemstones[/i]. They’re not exactly common - and thus, worth a lot more. As often as the word ‘mercenary’ can mean ‘soldier’, I’ve seen enough take it for the word ‘bandit’ and turn tail. We’re not exactly meeting in the most regal part of town, are we?”[/color]