[color=8dc73f][center][h1]Goblin - Kokulu[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [center][h2]Dᴀʏ 4[/h2] [@Wildman13] [@Jangel13][/center] tied up and gagged the goblin Kokulu was being carried to the lair of the trolls to be more than likely eaten. in kokulus mind she was annoyed and frustrated are all the things that came to mind when she looks back at her own blunder. =To think this world would have such a stupid level of stupidly hard giants! There should be something against this kind of strength.= she looked around at the area around her =One simple small mistake was all it took for me to get knocked out and captured. Disgraceful!... but at the least If I give it some thought I might be able to make an escape once they try to eat me.= as she was thinking to herself her eyes snapped over to see a rock flying by to an area behind them most likely to distract the trolls. =That would never work, these things are powerful by themselves and just 1 is annoying already. I would not mind a chance at killing both of them though= She looked over to where the rock was thrown. =And I wonder who might actually be here to help me, suprising as it may I don't see goblins helping other goblins. they would most likely be laughing from afar.=