[quote=@GarlandDaHero] What? Did you just COMPLETELY ignore the fact that [@Sola], [@Burger], and [@Jurassic Weeb] formed a team with me? You can't just assign an entire fucking half of the team to other people. I call bullshit. JW already said he's considering dropping out because of this INCREDIBLE display of poor GM behaviour, and now I am too. Either give us our teams back or JW and I are leaving. You have plenty of other people interested in this, so I'm sure they'll be glad to fill in the spots. [/quote] Didn't I asked you all to give me a full list of the team's members to avoid this kind of thing from happening? This is the second time someone is needlessly rude when asking something on this roleplay. Before it even began for real, no less. I'm beginning to construct a rather bad image of this group of players if you simply can't do a basic question without resorting to name-calling and things like this. If this uncalled for aggression happens again, regardless of who does it, I'll begin to seriously consider giving up on this roleplay. I don't enjoy the prospect of spending my time being yelled at. Even when I did a mistake like this one, you could have used a less offensive way of asking your question. [quote=@GarlandDaHero] [@Lonewolf685] It's a personal group DM between me and a couple of other friends in this RP. [/quote] I won't say that you can't have a private chat related to this RP. This isn't within my powers, after all. Plus, I don't have the time, or interest on keeping a dedicated live chat channel. However, I'll ask that you and the others who are part of it, bring any relevant questions to this OOC, which is the official channel for the game. Doing this could avoid this kind of problem that we just had now.