[hider=Real World Character][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/56/8c/f7/568cf7cf7d1d77f62aee2465aeaacdb2.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ryuki Howa [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Ryuki stands at 170.7 cm (5.5 ft), and is of slightly lighter than average build. His skin is perpetually pale and never seems to burn or tan. He has a few scars on his body, but does his best to keep them covered up. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Ryuki's never been anything special, in his opinion. His parents had a messy divorce when he was eight years old, and he hasn't heard from his father for almost five years now. Since then Ryuki retreated into himself, doing his best to avoid other people outside of school and his family. Eventually he took to gaming, and made small amounts of money in FPS tournaments. His mother worries about him, and knows that Ryuki has next to no social skills beyond what's applicable to a school setting.[/hider] [hr] [hider=GBO Character][center][img]https://www.gfwiki.com/images/3/3a/M12.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kaida77 (simply goes by Kaida) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Level:[/b] 90 [b]Skills:[/b] - Rifle Skill MAX - SMG Skill MAX - Assault Rifle Skill 500/1000 - Piloting 900/1000 - Gunsmithing 150/1000 - Salvaging 400/1000 - Fishing 450/1000 - First Aid 300/1000 - Stealth 300/1000 [b]Specs:[/b] - Improved Speed x1 - Improved Reflexes x2 - Improved Strength x1 - Far Shot x1 - Fast Aim - Improved CQC [b]Signature Weapon/Combat Style:[/b] Tries to be as much of an all-rounder as possible, but prefers to keep opponents at medium range, preferring to utilize weapons that (in the real world) would be classified as assault rifles, battle rifles, or designated marksman rifles. Kaida's preferred weapon at the moment is the [url=https://www.threegunnuts.com/product-images/1814/P1814_0.jpg]RDB[/url] rifle, equipped with a [url=https://smhttp-ssl-42294.nexcesscdn.net/8016B67/nvg/media/catalog/product/a/r/artimg-124-2_1_.jpg]holographic hybrid sight[/url], with a [url=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c800b1_d5479c6d0bbc4ec3839f8aae76fa19ee~mv2_d_3508_2480_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_551,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/c800b1_d5479c6d0bbc4ec3839f8aae76fa19ee~mv2_d_3508_2480_s_4_2.jpg]SR-PDW-K[/url] [url=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c800b1_c4c7fa56e37e48f7b4628a7e3ca592ed~mv2_d_5536_2547_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_551,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/c800b1_c4c7fa56e37e48f7b4628a7e3ca592ed~mv2_d_5536_2547_s_4_2.jpg]SMG[/url] as a secondary, equipped with a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61JHPwlRZ3L._SL1000_.jpg]reflex sight[/url] (and a [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Predator_laser_dots.svg]custom reticle[/url]). Aside from that, she quite enjoys sneaking up on enemies from behind and dispatching them with her [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41RdhFR8xgL._SX466_.jpg]combat knife[/url]. [b]Inventory:[/b] - 9001 credits - 70 Photonic Crystals - RDB rifle (Holographic Hybrid sight equipped) - SR-PDW-K SMG (Reflex Sight equipped) - Combat knife - Hellion [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/1c3f/f/2018/190/7/1/odst_by_jettryu-dcgraf4.png]helmet[/url] and [url=https://orig00.deviantart.net/6366/f/2018/190/9/c/armor_concept_by_jettryu-dcgqw6j.png]armor[/url] - Claymore mine (x2) - Motion tracker (x1) - Several sets of leisure wear[/hider] [hr] [hider=Other][b]Sample Post:[/b] [i]Kaida sighed, exiting the testing range. The weapons from the release she'd missed hadn't felt right. Recoil that was hard to predict, even with attachments and Specs, wonky damage modifiers for the head and neck, hitboxes you could aim at the broad side of a barn and still miss every shot, and iron sights that would be a pain to use until an optic was unlocked were definitely a turn-off. Definitely a waste of credits and Photonic Crystals. "Aren't event releases supposed to be good?" she huffed. Those had to be bugs in the release, and would probably be fixed soon, but Kaida was still in an off mood. "I suppose I should log out," she muttered to herself. "Mom'll be pissed if I'm in the game all day." Kaida opened up the interface, and tapped the "Logout" button.[/i] [hr] Ryuji blinked, sitting up on his bed, taking the VR headset off. He'd been in-game for almost six hours. "Definitely could've been doing something better than wasting creds and crystals," he grumbled. The young man stood up, put his glasses on, and took a moment to test his body. There were downsides in such an immersive VR game to crossplaying. It didn't help that Kaida in-game was roughly thirteen centimeters shorter than his real body. It wasn't anything to worry about as long as he took a minute or two to let his body adjust. It was some sort of side effect that hadn't been worked out. [i]Unlike that release, that bug is in the human brain[/i], Ryuji thought. [i]Can't reprogram it, just have to learn to live with it.[/i] [b]Misc:[/b] - Very much used to being a solo player, and it tends to show. - Has made a small amount of cash by participating in video game tournaments, and his typical username is known in some circles. However, ninety-nine out of a hundred times he'll choose to play as a female character if possible for... reasons. This has led to more than one awkward situation online. - Loves music, and is never seen IRL without his headphones.[/hider]