[@Aristocles] The note opens by describing the necromancer As a short elf with Long but trimmed black hair, Darker more tanned skin, A nose bent slightly right with sharp ears. The note states that his clothing or attire is unknown as he could be disguised as a citizen of the region. It details his Spells as such: A resurrection spell that is able to return most dead back to a form of undead life, This power is known to extend to Low powered dragons, But this power can be used to resurrect a Wyrm Dragon. He has a shapeshifting ability but it is easy to look though as it always produces a golden shimmer. And finally It details that this necromancer's Goal is to be able to open a portal into a realm of the undead and pour forth an unstoppable army of the undead, but to open this portal he needs to become a Lich. His name is written for the first time under all of this info Warren, An unassuming name. The back of the Note addresses Daniel directly From the High-Priest of his region, It says, "Daniel, Your mission is to find and kill Warren, If he is left alive for too long it could threaten our entire nation, You must prevent him from unleashing the hordes of the undead. The highfather kept you under his wing for a reason and it is to stop this madman, While though you have lost our churches blessing for helping warren with his necromancy and for assisting in the murder of your own kin and mentor with the dark spell, You still have the highfathers blessing but only for a short time. This is a chance to make up for your sins. Also as I've heard the dark spell has permanently damaged your right arm there is a way to quell the decay. Go to Murmasa and ask for The priests own potion it will stop the decay and pain for a very short time. Just enough to complete your mission. Godspeed." The note Seemed hastily written and signed. The signature reads Rothchild, The high-priest. Daniel Sits and prays at the alter praying. Amongst his prayer is a tone of emotional pain and he mutters "Forgive me, Mother, Father, Alicia" After his prayer he stands and wipes the tears off his face and sits on the floor Looking at Kos as he reads the note.