[CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/MmAZzSk.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Earth. Once known to the cosmos at large as Terra, Fer-Kel, Gaia, and Midgard, depending on whom one would ask. Normally, even the mention of such an insignificant glimmer in the purview of the galaxy would be met with mocking regard, a sort of smirk or diminishing jeer soon following what was considered to be the single most trivial section of the very universe itself. Even following whispers that a member of the intergalactic peacekeeping Green Lantern Corps had needlessly been designated the protector of the region, there were few throughout the faraway worlds of Xandar, Thanagar, Spartax, Warworld, Hala, and New Genesis that would speak to achievements of this place, if there were even achievements notable enough to be considered worthy of speaking upon. But in a very recent time, something had awoken within the hearts and minds of the denizens of Earth. As his board swept over the unusually light gravitational pull towards the planet itself, The Surfer noted how many conflicting ideologies of emotion had struck out at him through it's populace. Aggression, firstly. Confusion, most assuredly. Lust, abhorrently. And to The Surfer's surprise, the emotion of fear, almost predominantly. The species known as "human" had dominated the direction of the world's intelligences for what could be sparingly considered a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things. But their short reign had brought about destruction amongst themselves. Disease and plagues had wiped a considerable number of them out, yet they multiplied in a staggering amount of numbers. [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/xo3GLsS.png[/IMG] Even as he contemplated this, The Surfer felt as many lives extinguished as he felt the spark of a new one. This strange planet was as foreign to him as one could imagine, unlike anything he had ever experienced. Lacking in as much forward advancement as it excelled in growth. Earth was a living testament to the opposite nature of the universe, where chaos was the rule of law and order was a concept merely spoken aloud, never enforced. That very fact was the reason why The Silver Surfer had been sent to watch over the planet in the first place. Why he was tasked with judgement over them, when none had given the planet so much as a glare in the many eons that the galaxy had thrived beyond their notice. And The Surfer did judge. This civilization didn't even realize there [i]were[/i] other worlds beyond their galaxy, choosing to live in solitude beyond their yellow sun. Or perhaps even worse, lacking the nessescary sciences to traverse what many worlds had already mastered many ages prior. More perplexingly, a majority of them could not understand the many chosen languages of their own people beyond one. As The Surfer listened, he could hear a dialect that was as contradictory to the last as the one he heard next. Most of which were audible only under the planet's predominant body of water, though the humans that lived above the waves thought themselves to be all that was. All that existed. Earth was a thriving beacon for ignorance, that much The Surfer could attest. But there was undoubtedly something here that had changed the tone of the planet's significance. The Surfer waded through the emotional spectrum of these primitives, concentrating on their fears. The words "metahuman" and "mutant" were now more often an adopted topic of conversation than ever before, both within the minds and within their spoken words. And there were even names that had become a point of fixation in collusion with this subject. Names such as Superman, Spider-Woman, Wonder Woman, and The Punisher were broadcast worldwide, and again in every language. A separate, but equally tangible fear that no border held in any less regard. Was this the beginning of a new stage in humans' evolution? Or was it merely an abberation for humans to ever achieve the power to shape the destinies of others? A test, The Surfer surmised, was in order to determine the answer. For the humans themselves had none to give, as they were equally as lost to the fate of their own planet as he. And so the Herald of a great and powerful master willfully descended past the barrier of the planet's steadily weakening surface. Even as the clouds below his board parted and the noises of the planet became louder, forcing him to naturally tune out the interference from his personal focus, The Surfer did immediately realize that this world was not long for itself. It would soon burn and die, as it's sun gradually melted away the cold and allowed the heat to render it uninhabitable. There was apart of The Surfer that had wanted to turn back and relay this information to his master alone, as it made the planet insufficient for their purposes. But he knew that he would not complete this task on mere spectulatory fact alone. Perhaps one of these "metahumans" would alter the course of Earth's destruction, if they were truly as powerful as it's inhabitants seemed to believe. [color=darkgray][b]"There."[/b][/color] The Surfer's eyes were drawn to a source of power that was active at the very instant that he had found himself adrift in the skies that rested miles above the humans. A source of electricity, heat, and acceleration given birth to one traceable figure of which the energies imminated. He could feel this human, this "metahuman", as the female raced along the ground that had been artificially hardened beneath her. She was quite possibly the fastest human alive, though The Surfer knew that it was possible that none had simply chosen to accelerate themselves at the same moment in time. Those that did were hindered by a human's seeming physical limitations. This metahuman woman did not possess that. She simply moved, and the world around her was forced to split itself open in order to allow her traversal. Almost as if a force were guiding her. A force comprised of... speed, perhaps? The Surfer did not yet know. But he intended to find out, as this power was calling to him like no other. The ability to master the art of simple movement, yet remain at level with those who could not keep the pace. It was another contradiction that Earth seemed to be made from. This would be his test. This woman, birth name Iris West. Known to some by that name, but by many others as The Flash. Perhaps that was the name her culture had simply chosen for her now, eradicating the need for traditional moniker. The Surfer raced across the skies of a cold, barely inhabited landscape below him, save for a less evolved collection of species. He could see the molecules of the ice as it withered under the sun. What was this world, he wondered, where it's life was so fragile that it would melt under something as rudimentary as heat? He did not know. And this fact frustrated him, as he realized that for all that the Power Cosmic had taught him, he still did not truly comprehend. His speed picking up, The Surfer watched as Earth's sun and moon chased eachother above him. Humans were now a mere few miles beneath his board, unaware of his presence. Radio frequencies and radiation danced across the mirrored aura that protected his skin, trying to interface with his biological form and failing. It was The Surfer's doing, as he wished to remain undetected until he dictated otherwise. In a matter of seconds, he had observed six major continents before coming to an effortless stop above the one of which The Flash called home. He listened, for context, to the minds below him as he drifted toward the location of the accelerated activity. "Central City", he heard. Perhaps this entire region of Earth was called that, even though other names struck out at him. But the citizens of this interconnected series of states in the country of "Central City" would be the first to know of The Surfer's presence. Then perhaps the Earth itself would follow. Arching himself into a downward dive, The Surfer flew faster than what these humans perceived as light. Some minor cosmetic damage to the surrounding area was suffered, and some humans were blown back by the force of his own speed, but The Surfer cared not for these individuals. He sought only The Flash, and was gaining on her quickly. It was not a mere few milliseconds before he could see the red and yellow-tinged streak before him, laced with the female's body heat. The Surfer narrowed his gaze and accelerated faster, only slowing himself when he realized that the figure ahead was his target. Leisurely drifting until he was at an equal pace beside her, The Surfer looked over. It took many moments for this Iris West, The Flash, of Central City to notice him. And when she did, the chemicals in her mind altered from a state of euphoria brought upon by her speed into a state of confusion. The Surfer lifted his hand, and light sprang forth, glowing like a beacon. She may have felt confusion now, but he would initiate the emotion of fear from The Flash soon enough. And then the test would truly begin. [color=darkgray][b]"THE FLASH OF CENTRAL CITY. HEED MY CALL."[/b][/color] The light bounced from his hand into the street before her, sending the hapless woman tumbling into the air at supersonic speeds. She was able to catch herself from serious harm with a wave of her hands in a circular motion, indicating a partial understanding of her own power. The Surfer noted this, and came to a floating stop infront of her. There was no longer confusion. There was only anger. Still, he had failed to elicit the needed emotion. This would have to change. [color=darkgray][b]"I AM THE SILVER SURFER."[/b][/color] His voice seemed to quake the Earth itself as he spoke. [color=darkgray][b]"AND YOU ARE TO BE JUDGED. FOR THE EARTH'S DESTINY ITSELF DEPENDS ON YOUR ACTIONS TODAY."[/b][/color] [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/Inz2FkK.png[/IMG] [color=darkgray][b]"STRIKE."[/b][/color]