[b]Location: Nyhem Time: A few days before the party.[/b] [hider=Awake] “Well, look who's awake, you don't look half as bad as I expected” William announced happily looking in from a chair in a dim lit corner of the room. “Time to stop fever dreaming, we've got money to make, we'll be arriving in a few hours. Make yourself look a little better we've got a big day ahead”. Jain saw straight through William's over enthusiastic smile. He didn't know why, but he had a bad feeling about this. With that William stood up and left the room. Jain tried to to follow but as soon as he lifted his head, he started to feel very light headed and not soon after, he was retching on the floor into a bucket placed by the ship’s surgeon who had the foresight to know what was in store for a recovering addict. Propping himself against the tiny cot that he’d spent the last week he pondered on what he did in his life to deserve this. Of course he didn’t know he’d lost a most of his memory. Then it suddenly hit him… “Where are my clothes?” thought Jain. He was too tired for this. Not long after this the ships cook came in with some food for Jain. He hadn’t of course eaten since he was shipwrecked a week ago. He set the food down on a small table in one of the corners of his small room. And without warning, he opened the blinds on the small window looking out to sea. This was enough to trigger a second round of retching with an empty stomach and gasping from Jain. It took him a few minutes to get himself together. The Chef didn’t say much. Or anything at all. Jain couldn’t remember. He was too busy dry retching into the bucket. But he left him some food; It didn’t look too appetising. Some porridge and what looked like piss to wash it down with. It wasn’t much but Jain was starving and food was food. As he was eating, again Jain thought, “Where in Draivim are my clothes?”Jain paused from eating his food. “Huh. So that’s where I’m from.” carrying on eating he, looked around the room and was pleased to see his personal belongings with the exception of his clothes were on a shelf next to the bed. “At least I have my sword and medallion.” A couple of hours later, a boy, a cabin boy, came into room carrying what appeared to be a parcel. The man placed it on the table and looked at Jain, “Those are your new clothes Boss.” said the boy. “Boss?”, asked Jain confused. Then sudden realisation. “Oh yeah, I’m his first mate now”, thought Jain. “How in world did that happen?” Moaned Jain in his native tongue. The boy just stood there not understanding what he’s just said. Jain motined his had to tell him he can go now. Upon looking at the package Jain realised that this was his clothes. Patched up and fixed. It seems the ship has a master tailor on board. Even a few of the hidden armour plating bent from the explosion seems to have been fixed up. It really was a miracle that Jain survived falling into the water even with such a heavy coat weighed down by the plates. “ Well. Better dress up now.” thought Jain. Attention on Deck Of course, as the new first mate (unbelievable) it was only natural that he should get familiar with new role. Jain ventured out onto the main deck of the ship, his new home for near foreseeable future. Jain sighed at the ridiculousness of situation. “ATTENTION ON DECK” Came a shrill shout calling all the men on the deck to attention. Jain looked up to see where the order came from and eyed his new boss standing next to who must be the helmsman. It was the helmsman who shouted. William then motioned for Jain to come to him. Addressing the crew, “Well then! Men, let me introduce you to my new First Mate. This is Jain! Now. I know he doesn’t speak our tongue but he can understand what we’re saying. You’ll figure him out eventually.” Jain just stood there with a dumbfounded expression on his face at this introduction. Acceptance. I guess I’ll need to learn formatothian properly now. The next day was a flurry of activity on the ship. They were less than a few hours away from port. Jain was doing his best not to get in anyone’s way as they all rushed around on deck preparing for port. Jain did not know the first thing about being a first mate, and definitely not a single thing about running a ship's’ crew. [/hider] [hider=Arrival at the Capitol.] William and Jain had barely had stepped off the ship before they were approached by one of the kings messengers’ who handed William an invitation to attend a party in 3 days. “Well then lad. It seems we must attend this party. A lot of money to be made from this I bet.” said Wiliam with a smirk. And with that William tossed a bag of coins to Jain and told him to spend the evening however he wished but to come back by sunset. He knew Jain didn’t have anywhere else to really go, so the best thing was to stick close to his new boss and not to look a gift-horse in the mouth. And so Master William went about his business. Jain really had no idea what to do with himself and so just spent the rest of the day in the vicinity of the ship and trying to learn about the crew of the ship by keeping an eye on them as well as exploring the ship itself. Seeing as he’ll be helping run the ship it stood to reason to get to know it as well. He was paying particular attention to how the crew spoke so he can learn how to speak himself. Come sunset, it was wasn’t long before he was called into to williams room to have chat. “Well lad.” William said slyly, “I come baring gifts for my new mage friend.” Jain looked on with a skeptical expression before replying in very broken Formarothian. “And what would that be?”. William was pleased that Jain was making an effort to speak the language. It showed that Jain was adapting. William reached for a box and just handed it to Jain. “Go and have a peek. You’ll enjoy it. Trust me.” William said very still in his sly tone. “Just make sure you don't destroy the ship with it.” And with that Jain was kicked out of the room before he even got a chance to respond. Jain was as perplexed as ever at his situation but decided to take it in stride. He decided to take the ‘gift’ to his room and immediately opened it and was immediately pleasantly surprised. In the wooden box was a small collection of old scrolls and books and upon closer inspection they appeared to do have something to do with magic. “Well, This certainly is very interesting.” thought Jain. Jain picked up one of the scrolls and tried started to go through it and was surprised to find it very familiar. The scroll appeared to be some sort of very basic magic tutorial and more specifically basic illusion magic and how to start manipulating mana. The rest of the day was just spent going through the contents of the box. Overall 5 scrolls on basic spells and 2 very large expensive looking tomes with thick pages. One of them appeared to be a manual on advanced spells after looking at the first page. Upon picking up the second book, a small note fell out of it signed by William. This book is a history of the major families in Formaroth, it might be a good idea to parse through it before the party and get familiar with them. It had a rather unimaginative long winded title of , “The Rise and Legacy of the Great Houses of Formaroth - Volume V”. Well whatever it is it might be a good idea to learn about the people he’ll be mingling with. [/hider] [hider=The Party.] The party itself was a bit boring to Jain and it wasn't long before Jain decided to slink away from the main party. The foreign foods and drink didn't look all too appetising to him and his very rough Formarothian was only going to annoy the pompous guests. So he decide to slink away to a quiet corner of the room and decided to cast a very simple illusion spell he just learned from his little present from William. The spell itself basically made him for all intents and purposes invisible to the non magically inclined. Very useful to blend in with the crowd and not be disturbed. After he cast it, he decided to eavesdrop on people’s conversations. Jain found it surprisingly easy to seamlessly move around without being noticed by anyone in a room full of people. This was a very excellent place to test out such spells. Jain finally ended up moving near Isabel and Charles (without realising who they were) as they were talking about a certain slum in Cawaport and how it’s such a horrible place. Of course William happened to be nearby and no sooner had Isabel said, “what self-respecting person would want to invest in such a cesspool.” William practically pounced on her and said he will. Jain could almost sense them practically recoil in horror at this as their eyes widened. Jain moved so he could see both of their faces. Of course the spell rendered him unnoticeable so they ignored Jain. Isabel asked, “Who are you?” no emotion in her voice. “William Flin, merchant Lord of Akki, you've probably heard of me my lady.” William replied. Jian could sense his usual confidence starting to break from how drunk William sounded. “No”, Isabel responded bluntly without hesitation, “I’ve never heard of you.” William looked genuinely taken aback from this. After a bit of back and forth between them, Jain was becoming increasingly anxious. Isabel was clearly someone of importance and she was not looking happy at William’s interjection. But Jain could see that William practically had this deal in his hand. What worried him most was he just hoped this wouldn’t get put in his hands to deal with. After the deal was done and a drunken bow, william he turned, and walked the way he came. “I'll celebrate with a drink” William said cheerfully to himself with a loud laugh and not caring about the stares. Jain was shaking his head and not entirely happy at his uncertain foreseeable future. I have a very bad feeling about this. After this Jain went out to a quiet corner of the garden opened to the guests and started looking at the book he had in his bag on the history of the great families. It was then that Jain saw an illustration of a very young Isabel De Reimer and stared at it in disbelief. Jain was certain William was very close to leaving his head at the palace tonight. “What are you getting me into Master William?” thought Jain. [/hider]