The elves let out a collective scream - Heartcheer in his natural excitement that seemed to replace all other emotions as the saw left his hand and hit the examination table. Was it broken? He hoped so. A nearly maniacal laugh hit his lungs as his light form was flung across the room. Sprinkledust and Dazzlefalls were far more concerned - as the two small elves were flung across the garden the pots flew from their hands - shattering on the ground. The two elves screamed in emergency as they looked at eachother before rushing over to heal their comrades. [color=pink]"No! Not like this!?"[/color] Why had the ship lunged forward so suddenly? What had caused this madness? Sprinklestar felt a few tears run down her eyes as the green eyed biologist grabbed one of the plants and began to plant it, extending her hands and chanting healing words to help the plant take a firm room. Sprinklestar ran over with her own pot, joining her fellow elf in the chanting. The plant glowed slightly, then paused and stopped as it was fully healed. The pair turned to look at the other plants that had been so disregarded and had fallen out of the cart. The two elves began the dutiful work of saving their comrades. [hr] The pair of them spent the next two hours collecting the other plants and tending to them, making sure to separate them elegantly but efficiently into various subgroups, being sure to use barriers to keep plants from the three planets separate. The insects had initially been concerned about bringing a couple of their larger plants aboard, but a small glass enclosure and periodic discussion with them was all that was needed to calm them down. Finally the pair sat down and relaxed, only heading up to the bridge as they were told to. Having just woken up from a nap, both Dazzlefalls and Sprinklestar found themselves exhausted. Heartcheer strangely did not arrive. The two elves yawned as they looked down at the planet, making similar observations to the others. The planet had to be hot, though based only the foresty biology it seemed similar to home. Dazzlefalls observed the surface, taking complicated notes while Sprinklestar simply stared on with wonder - a tired wonder, but wonder nonetheless. [color=pink]"Oh I can't [i]wait[/i] to see it up close! I'll tell you all about it, Dazzles!"[/color] Dazzlefalls let out a wide grin, glad to let the younger and more energetic of the group take on the elven responsibility.