"So[i]phi[/i]a," Dillan tried out, putting a bit of a musical tone to the name. "Lovely name. I'm Tasley. Dillan Tasley." He winked at Alex, seeming to be quite pleased with himself in this moment. He'd gotten the name of a pretty young woman! T'was a good day for Dillan indeed... If he actually cared all that much. The unsavory fact of the matter was that he was merely putting on airs. Sure she was easy on the eyes, but he didn't consider himself to be in quite the state of his life where he should be actively pursuing a relationship. His work mattered far more to him than some dame. He took a bite of the apple she'd given him, chewed, swallowed, then asked, "So are you in town for the carnival, or do you live here?" She didn't strike him as being someone who was from around here. The shade of her skin was a little more exotic than that, and that curved sword wasn't exactly found in every shop in West Clock Town. He'd never actually seen a scimitar in person. His father had made mention of the curved swords used by the pirates that had stolen the hookshot from him, but Dillan didn't take this girl for being one of the pirates. There were a couple women around here hailing from pirate land, but they all had this very distinctive look to them, capped by very red hair. The young lady before him right now simply didn't match. Her hair was quite the throw-off. Surprising how much a change in hairstyle or color could do when it came to disguising oneself. An errant thought popped into his head as he took another bite of the apple, and he couldn't help but ask, "It's not poisoned, is it? It would be wounding indeed for a lady such as yourself to be capable of such a horrid trick as poisoning food offered to a stranger." He wasn't being serious about the poison. It would be highly arrogant of him to think someone would go out of their way to kill him like this. He hadn't pissed anyone off to the point of hiring assassins who use such methods. At least, he assumed he hadn't angered anyone that much. There was that one guy he'd maybe-sort-of-accidentally-not-really-but-perhaps made lose his job at the forge. An older worker who had been there for years, but the quality of his work was diminishing rapidly. Dillan had high standards for himself when it came to his own work, and he hadn't liked seeing someone trying to pass off sub-par equipment as being battle-worthy. He'd spoken up, and the old man had been [i]pissed[/i]. Far angrier than anyone had ever gotten from one of his jokes, though this had not been a prank. The man had said something about feeding his family and whatnot, but Dillan hadn't really been paying much attention by that point. He'd had a little strike of inspiration for a new project, and he'd been mulling over the conceptual details in his head. Regardless, he could think of no one with the means and intent to have him murdered. It did appeal to think of this woman as some kind of deadly seductress. That was a concept he liked. It was fun.