So is anyone else getting increasingly bored with the Build Divers anime? I'm starting to. I still enjoy the concept, but the characters just kill it for me. I think my biggest gripe that I can boil it down to is that Riku and his entire team are basically just a bunch of Mary Sues. Well, that's not entirely accurate, but it's hard not to think of that when the Build Divers win literally every battle and event they compete in without ever really having to try. And them constantly cutting to the "veteran" players watching in awe and commenting about how awesome this ragtag Force is? Ugh, just gag me with a spoon already. I'm already seeing people comment that Divers blows Try Fighters out of the water and I'm like, "lolwut" because at least in that series, Team Try Fighters actually had to (pun totally not intended except it totally is) TRY. In fact, they, like Sei and Iori of the original show, actually lost a few times and got their shit wrecked along the way while they were building up their Gunpla's power. I'm not seeing any of that with Divers. Riku is the only character who's bothered to update his Gunpla in any meaningful way. Yukki, Momo, the rest are all using the exact same low tier machines they started with. Okay, rant over. When are we moving forward in the IC?