[color=a2d39c]"Tch... Of course it wouldn't be that easy would it?"[/color] Loss groaned as she confronted some defensive wards. As tempting as it would be to bulldoze right through them, dying on the last few hours of the game wasn't appealing to her. But now that she thought of it.... Wouldn't it be swell if, during the guild's siren song, they allowed someone like her to view their great treasures? After all even if they rightfully know she was going to steal them, it wasn't going to matter after tomorrow. [color=a2d39c]"Hue... So I just need to trick someone to let me in."[/color] Loss made a map of the area on her HUD and looked for another way around. Failing that, someone she could trick into letting her into the treasury. Surely anyone would do as long as they were a guild member. Ideally someone higher up in the ranks but Loss didn't want to risk getting found out too early. Loss continued lurking around until she came across what appeared to be an armory. Or at least a place where weapons and arms could be made. Loss looked around for anything that might help her bypass the wards of the treasury, but instead found a sulking girl. If she had to guess, this girl was sad about the game closing down. She would have just killed the girl and left, but had an idea. To take advantage of her sadness. Looking around Loss found a nice spot to hide as she too started to cry, or at least pretending to. She made up a sob story for the girl to hear and sympathized. [color=a2d39c]"This isn't fair... This isn't fair! I've only started to enjoy the game and already.... I haven't even gotten a chance to see a real legend...."[/color] [@Lmpkio]